The Rippers of Montenegro

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Bedtime stories were told to children. Either to scare or to spark inspiration. But most of the time it is the former. It keeps children from going out at night and keeps them from misbehaving. With the right choices of words, a simple sentence could incite fear. In a city called Montenegro, a story was going around. It does not only scare the children but also the adults. They have never seen it happen but they have heard by word of mouth: The Rippers of Montenegro will come to rip out your heart. And just with that sentence, the once-bustling streets of Montenegro looked deserted. Nobody goes out at night. Taverns and shops closed early, owners being afraid of the rippers coming to rip out their hearts. It all started with one dead body. His chest was open, a sign that his heart was ripped out. The authorities have concluded it was just a wild animal attack. Ngunit sa kabila ng kanilang konklusyon, hindi pa rin sila mapanatag. It didn't look like a simple wild animal attack. Despite the city being close to the mountain with a dense forest, it was hard to believe that the death was caused by an animal attack. Ngunit wala na silang ibang mahanap na ekplenasyon tungkol sa nangyari, so they settled for it. They assured the people of Montenegro that everything is under control and there shall be no more attacks that would happen. For a few days, it was peaceful. The horrors that happened seemed to be from a long time ago. Ngunit isang gabi, nakarinig nalang sila ng sigaw mula sa likuran sa isa sa mga gusaling naroon. The moment the people got there, they all gasped at what they saw. Another body was on the ground, her eyes were wide open, still filled with fear from whatever she saw before her last breath. Her chest was open and her heart was missing. Behind her, the walls were blood-splattered and the people who saw the scene were quick to spread the word. Maliit ang syudad ng Montenegro. Kaya naman madaling kumalat ang balita. In a house particularly from the city center, Sebastian and his siblings lived. For years, they have been moving around as to avoid confusion. They never stay in one place for a long time because how would they explain it to their neighbors who are growing old while they remain youthful and strong. They are vampires and it is not something they would blatantly tell people. Isa rin sa mga dahilan kung bakit lumapit sila sa Montenegro ay dahil sa kanyang dalawang kapatid. Grey and August--the Sylvaine twins--are walking disasters. Five years prior to that, they have been living in a small town. Maayos ang pamumuhay nila doon. However, the twins, unlike the rest of them, are more bloodthirsty. When they were cursed to become vampires, the twins delighted in it. Where they were pained to drink from a human's blood, the twins worshipped it. They loved being a vampire. And oftentimes, they go too far. The small town where they lived was almost wiped out. The villagers were dead, their hearts ripped out of their bodies. And when he arrived at their small house, he could see Grey and August, bloody and comfortably lounging inside the house. At that moment, he knew he had to stop his brothers but Lorcan, being the more violent one, had tied them using azalean ropes and broken every bone in their bodies until they swore they would never do it again. The promise to behave lasted for a few years. Until they moved to Montenegro. And now, Sebastian has received the news about dead bodies with their hearts ripped out of their bodies. There is nobody else who could have done that. Nilagok niya ang kanyang alak bago niya narinig si Lorcan na naglalakad paparating sa kanya. Judging from his hurried footsteps, he could only guess the news of the misbehaving twins have reached him too. By this time, Grey and August are unstoppable. Not even Sebastian could stop them. Eleanor couldn't care less. Having to face two Sylvaine wild vampires alone is a lot of work. "I was gone for a year and this is what I hear?" said Lorcan behind him. He could almost sense him seething in anger. "What the hell were you doing, Sebastian?" Humarap siya sa kanyang kapatid. "I have done my best brother." And it wasn't enough. Nakita niyang tumigas ang ekspresyon sa mukha nito. He knew it wasn't a good sign but whatever was Lorcan planning to do, he had no plans of stopping him. If there is anything the twins are afraid of, it's Lorcan. "So the twins misbehaving is the only way to get you home," said Eleanor. Nakita ni Sebastian na mas lalong nanigas ang ekspresyon sa mukha ni Lorcan bago ito humarap sa kapatid nilang babae. Just as the twins are afraid of Lorcan, Eleanor is not. She crossed her arms and raised her brow to their brother. "If you want to help, Eleanor, then we shall leave," said Lorcan, expecting Eleanor to follow him as he walked to the door. Ngunit nanatiling nakatayo si Eleanor. Lorcan stopped and looked at their sister. Bago pa man makapagsalita si Lorcan ay naunahan na ito ni Eleanor. "If you hadn't left, Grey and August wouldn't have been like that. This is entirely your fault so you fix it yourself." Eleanor didn't give Lorcan a chance to say another word as she stormed through the stairs and slammed the door. Napapikit si Sebastian nang mariin. Of all the times Eleanor decided to throw a tantrum, it has to be when Lorcan is on the verge of killing both their brothers. Kaya naman bago pa sumabog si Lorcan ay nilapitan na niya ito. "If you need a witch at whatever you are planning--" "I don't need a witch brother," Lorcan cut him off. "I shall punish them with my own two hands. Montenegro in the daytime looked like an abandoned city. It even looked more deserted at night. He could smell the strong smell of blood in the air, patunay sa mga karumal-dumal na krimen gawa ng kanyang dalawang kapatid. He knows Lorcan could smell it too and he doesn't show it to his face but her could have sworn the air shifted. They walked the quiet streets of Montenegro until Lorcan stopped in the middle and looked around. The buildings were dark and he doubts if Lorcan is looking at something in the building. Ngunit nang tingnan niya ito ay nakatingin ito sa isang gusali hindi kalayuan sa kanya. "Lorcan--" Hindi niya naituloy ang nais sabihin nang itaas ni Lorcan ang kanyang daliri, signaling him to keep quiet. Sinundan niya ang tingin nito at maya-maya pa ay narinig niya itong mahinang napatawa. Darkness laced his voice. "I think our brothers have murdered half the population of this city, Sebastian," Lorcan said as he looked at her. "And you preach about peace and blending in when you can't even stop from destroying what we have built here." "I have built everything we have here, Lorcan. Not you." "All the more reason why you're supposed to protect it, am I wrong?" Magsasalita na sana si Sebastian nang may marinig siyang boses ng babae sa 'di kalayuan. Instantly, both of them were running towards where the sound was coming from. Doon nila nakita ang babae sa likuran ng isang gusali. She was scuttled at the the very corner of the wall, hugging her knees, crying. Nang mamalayan nito ang presensiya nila ay labis itong umiyak. The girl might have thought they were there to save her but he knows better. Lorcan couldn't care less about the frightened girl. His eyes were set on the identical twins standing in front of them. The stench of blood was stronger where they are and his questions were answered when he saw a pile of dead bodies just across from the crying girl. Grey and August froze the moment they saw Lorcan. For a moment, he saw the ghost of fear in their eyes as they beheld Lorcan. "Lorcan," Grey said. His voice was calm enough but it was not enough to conceal his real emotions. Lorcan let the barest smile. The kind of smile the twins are very familiar with. He could have sworn August faltered. The confident ease they had earlier as they cornered the girl was gone. "This is quite a bloody party," Lorcan said before his eyes darted towards the girl. "Love, come here for a second." The girl looked up and looked at Lorcan. For a second, she hesitated but then Lorcan stared longer at her and she slowly stood up saka ito dahan-dahang naglakad papunta sa gawi ni Lorcan. When she was at arm's length, she stopped walking and looked at Lorcan. Na para bang si Lorcan lang ang nakikita ng mga mata nito. Compulsion is a powerful weapon vampires use. Hinawakan ni Lorcan and dalawang balikat ng babae. "You are going to walk home to your house and sleep. When the morning comes, you will not remember what happened in this place and you will forget our faces. The only thing you can remember is that you passed out drinking and one of your friends took you home." The girl looked at him with a blank expression on her face before she repeated what Lorcan had said. "Now, off you go. Run as fast as you could and you are going to leave this city first thing tomorrow." And then the girl started running. Nakatingin lang siya sa gawi nina Grey at August. They looked like they want to run away but were too scared to even move an inch because of Lorcan might do if they move. Nang mabalik ang tingin ni Lorcan sa dalawa ay nakita niyang nanlalaki ang mga mata nito. Their eyes were bloodshot and the veins in their faces are almost turning black. They're at the peak of being high from drinking too much blood. He did not think it was a good idea but seeing the twins flustering after they saw Lorcan, Sebastian thought this might be their only chance. "How many bodies?" tanong ni Lorcan. Saglit na natahimik ang dalawa. However, they know better than to keep Lorcan waiting kaya naman sumagot na si August. "Fifty," saad nito. Tiningnan ito ni Lorcan. "You sure it's fifty?" The twins nodded. "If there are not fifty bodies, I will double your punishment." "Lorcan, you can't do this to us--" In an instant, Grey was pushed to the wall, unable to move as Lorcan's hand was already wrapped around his neck. Lorcan lifted him from the ground while holding firm to Grey's neck. "Yes, I can and I will. You can't go around killing people either so I am going to punish you as I promised many years ago." "Lorcan, we're sorry, okay? It's not going to happen again. We were out of—we were out of control and we shouldn't have done that. We—we regret it. We really do." August was fumbling over his words as he saw Lorcan choking the air out of Grey. Saglit na natahimik si Lorcan. Maskin siya ay hindi niya alam kung anong iniisip nito. A moment later, Lorcan spoke. "You know what my biggest regret is?" tanong nito and before Sebastian realized what his brother's plan is, he snapped Grey's head the latter fell lifeless to the ground. Dahan-sahang humarap sa kanya. "I regret I didnt do that sooner." August stepped back. Ramdam niya ang takot mula sa mga mata nito. They all know what was going to happen after that. August knew. And because of desperation and fear, August did the stupidest move of all. He went to attack Lorcan but as Lorcan is stronger, it was easy for him to snap August's neck too. The moment August fell to the ground, Lorcan looked at him and said, "Now that our major problem is solved, this is the time about which we're going to need the help of our witch friends." The city of Montenegro was never the same after that. Kailangan nilang umalis sa lugar na iyon. With Grey and August held captive and tied, they moved to Whitburry. Not to start a new life but to solve their problem once and for all. "Sebastian, please," cried Grey. Sebastian straightened his coat as he stood in front of Grey and August. The latter was quiet as though he knows what was going to happen and had already accepted the fact. Nag-angat ng tingin si August. "You're going to dagger us again? How long will it take this time?" Bago pa man siya makasagot ay naunahan na siya ni Lorcan. "As long as I like," sagot ni Lorcan. Nagdilim ang paningin ni August ngunit kitang-kita pa rin niya ang takot sa mga mata ng kapatid. "You do realize the longer you deprive us of freedom, the worse we get every time we wake up." Lorcan stepped forward and crouched down. Before August could prepare for it, Lorcan grabbed his cheeks and forced August to look in the eye. "Then I will make sure you are not going to wake."
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