The Sylvaines

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For a millennium, the Sylvaines have walked the face of the world. For a millennium, they're vampireS. Kaya naman hindi na nakakapagtaka kung tinagurian silang pinakamalakas na bampira sa buong mundo. The older vampires are, the stronger they are. For a thousand years, there have been a lot of challenges their family had faced, and together, they conquered them and moved forward. Living for so many years also has made them ruthless as they can be. They made countless enemies and most of them tried to kill the Sylvaines. It was then that the vampires they sired realized that they will also die if they kill one of the Sylvaines and thus, the missions to kill the Sylvaine have stopped. Vampires started to accept that this family is untouchable. Tinagurian silang mga kauna-unahanag bampira na nabuhay sa mundo. Sa kanila nanggaling ang mga bampira na namumuhay ngayon sa kasalukuyan. Kaya naman hindi maaaring patayin ang kahit isa sa mga Sylvaine dahil iyon din ang magiging katapusan ng mga lahi ng bampira. But Lorcan has heard of whispers and rumors about a certain group of vampires conspiring to kill him. Hindi niya maintindihan kung paano iyon gagawin ng ibang bampira dahil kung mamamatay siya ay magiging katapusan rin nila. "Perhaps their lives are miserable enough for them to commit suicide," Lorcan said as he sipped on his whiskey. He was sitting on one of the couches in the Sylvaine mansion they took a few months ago from a wealthy businessman. The poor man was apparently a tourist who recently bought a mansion in St. Angeli. He wasn't a citizen so he wasn't in consumption of azalea which meant he was free for them to compel without breaking any rules of the city. "You and I could agree that this is not a mere suicide mission, Lorcan. There is something greater at work here," said Sebastian, his brother, a few years older than him. "You know our brother, Sebastian," chimed Eleanor who had just walked into their sitting room from roaming around the city. "He is not capable of accepting the hard truth that someone out there is brave enough to try to kill him and that someone might stand a chance." Eleanor gave him a look and he let out a short laugh. "I assume your date stood you up today? You're quite early to arrive home," Lorcan said and he knew he hit a nerve when he saw Eleanor's face change. "No one stood me up. Why'd you think I went on a date, anyway?" Lorcan smiled and sipped on his glass before he said, "Well, for one, you changed your perfume. Tell us, does this new guy like delicate girls? Because that dress is the last kind of dress I'd see you wear." Eleanor narrowed her eyes at him. "You know what? I can't wait for this guy to succeed, whoever he is. He'd be doing me a favor that I wouldn't have to kill you myself." "Careful, sister," he said. "If I'm gone, do you expect Sebastian to give you honest reviews about your boyfriends?" His sister rolled her eyes at the two of them. "You are insufferable." And then she walked out, leaving him and Sebastian. Tahimik lang ang kapatid na umiinom ng alal na para bang malalim ang iniisip. "They won't succeed, brother. I will kill each and every one of them." Tumingin naman si Sebastian sa kanya. Naniningkit ang mga mata nito. Ngumiti siya sa kapatid at alam agad nito kung anong ginawa niya. "You killed a vampire today," Sebastian said as if confirming his thoughts. "And have you gotten the answers you need before you killed him?" "He told me of this certain place in the outskirts of St. Angeli," Lorcan said. Sebastian stared into the wall, still in deep thought. Lorcan clapped Sebastian's shoulder. "I do hope you're drunk enough to go to a vampire party, brother." Tumingin sa gawi niya si Sebastian and Lorcan knew he's got his brothers to come with him. Ngunit nawala ang ngiti sa labi ni Lorcan nang makitang hindi tumatayo si Sebastian sa kinauupuan nito. Lorcan knows that if Sebastian decides something, it would be a challenge to convince him. Kaya alam niyang kung anong gagawin niya ngayon ay hindi magiging kasali doon si Sebastian. "Fine," he said and was about to walk away when Sebastian spoke. "These vampires..." Sebastian trailed and looked at him. "Have you ever wondered why they're so confident to try and kill you?" "If you're going to say again that there is more going on here—" "Oh, there's certainly something going on here, brother." Sebastian stood. "See, I don't think these vampires trying to kill you are on a suicide mission. I think they are really trying to kill you without getting themselves killed." Natigilan naman si Lorcan sa sinabi ng kapatid niya. It would be possible. "I don't have time to brainstorm about your riddles, brother." He's too furious to be thinking of it. All he could think about is to kill these rogues in the worst possible way. "You have always been so reckless, Lorcan, and every time you do something, you put this family at great risk. So now, I have to make you think carefully before you do something rash that would destroy everything we have built." He doesn't need to hear Sebastian's lectures. He let out a low grunt before he went to the doors. But just as when he was about to go out of the house, Sebastian was quickly in front of him. "I wanted you to be involved earlier, brother. I changed my mind. I don't want your meddling now. Move," he said and was about to walk past Sebastian when the latter held his shoulder and pushed him back to the house. Sebastian is calm. Dangerously calm. And Lorcan knows he's going to end up with a stake in his heart if he so much as disobey Sebastian but he couldn't care less. The sheer thought of vampires having the audacity to try and kill him makes his blood boil. "Think, brother," Sebastian said. "We just moved here and by being citizens of this city, we have to abide by the rules which include strictly no feeding or causing trouble with other factions inside the city." "We can worry about the trouble I've caused once I slaughtered these vampires." He tried to get past Sebastian again but it was futile. "I have my reasons to stay in this town longer, Lorcan. And I wouldn't want you jeopardizing that." Natahimik naman si Lorcan sa sinabi ng kapatid. He then let out a sigh and Sebastian knew he had calmed down. "The witches are powerful beings. With the right resources and spells, they could break the sire link with the other vampires and that would give the vampires free rein to kill you. Think this carefully because trust me, brother, That last thing you'd ever want to deal with is the wrath of a witch." Lorcan knows it. Of course, a witch would be in the picture. If the other vampires are planning to break the sire link, they would need a witch to do it. And if the sire link is broken, the vampires he turned would not have their lives connected to his anymore. Which means they will be free to kill him. He smiled at Sebastian. "I just want to have a peaceful talk with the witch leader, brother." Sebastian looked at him for a moment as if studying if he was telling the truth. "Can I trust you wouldn't kill the leader of the witch faction?" "You have my word," Lorcan said and Sebastian nodded before he straightened the lapel of his jacket. "Very well," Sebastian said. "I shall come with you." Lorcan grinned and they went out of the door. But before they could go out, Eleanor came down and called them. "Where the hell are you going now?" their sister asked. "Stopping a phenomenon involving the possible extinction of our bloodline. Do you want to come?" Eleanor narrowed her eyes at his brothers before she groaned and waved her hand dismissively. "Just be back before dinner." *** The witches are forces of nature. The last thing any supernatural being would do is to get on the bad side of any witch—be it a single witch or a coven. Alam nilang lahat ng iyon kaya naman ang pakay ni Lorcan kanina na pagbantaan ang lider ng mga witches ay naglaho matapos niyang mapagtanto ang posibleng mangyayari. If anything, to fight witch, they would need other witches. Lorcan and Sebastian walked down the bustling streets of St. Angeli. The celebration goes on for a week and they aren't really complaining. Celebrations mean tourists and tourists mean more food for them. All they need to do is compel a tourist to not move and not scream as they feed on them. Then they compel them to forget it ever happened. It was convenient but there are just some vampires who seem not to understand the rules of peace and order in the city. Lorcan couldn't care less. The other vampires could feed and drain the blood out of the tourists. It was Sebastian who works hard to track the rule breakers and give them the punishment they deserve. After all, they're the head of the vampire faction. It's their responsibility to keep the vampires in check. They reached the street where the shop of Esmeralda is located. Esmeralda had been the coven leader for many years and had been keeping the balance in check between vampires and werewolves. "Shop's closed," Sebastian said as they stared at the placard on the door. Ngumisi naman si Lorcan sa gawi ng kanyang kapatid. "Well, I'm sure the coven leader would understand that this is a matter of urgency," he said and broke the knob of the door. They were about to enter the shop when suddenly, they find themselves stopped by an invisible barrier on the door. Lorcan kept trying to barge in but only to bump into an invisible barrier each time. "Witches have placed these spells in every home of St. Angeli. This keeps the vampires from barging into people's houses and killing them in cold blood," Sebastian answered. "How can I help you, gentlemen?" Napatingin sila sa kanilang likuran at nakita ang isang babae. Esmeralda was looking at the knob on the door Lorcan just destroyed and then to their faces. "Rest assured I will pay for the damage," Lorcan said but Esmeralda ignored him. Sa halip ay tumingin ito sa gawi ni Sebastian na para bang naghihintay ito ng sagot sa tanong nito kanina. Sebastian straightened his suit before he said, "I believe this matter can not be discussed on the streets." Esmeralda let out a scoff before she walked in between them and then inside the shop. The woman faced the two of them. "You can't blame me for protecting my place. Sigurado akong narinig niyo na ang tungkol sa isang bampirang kinuha ang tiwala ng pamangkin ko bago nakawin ang mga bagay na hindi dapat napupunta sa kamay ng ibang nilalang." "You won't be hearing from him again. Tell your niece I am sorry for her loss--" "And did you know what they're planning to do?" tanong ng babae sa kanila. Nagkatinginana naman silang dalawa ni Sebastian bago nagpatuloy ang babae. Nakuha ng babae ang atensyon niya. "These vampires are trying to kill my brother." "And they will and if they are successful, it would be the end of the Sylvaine bloodline." The witch smirked at them and the sight of it together with the possibility of what was going to happen made his blood boil. He slammed his hand to the barrier but it did nothing. "You know I may not be able to enter this shop but I can send a piece of wood flying straight to your heart." Esmeralda faced him and said, "You do that and I could snap your neck in seconds without touching you." Akmang kukuha na si Lorcan ng piraso ng kahoy sa gilid nang pigilan siya ni Sebastian. His brother gave him a look and he remembered what he said earlier that he wouldn't cause any bloodshed in this meeting. Hinayaan niya ang kapatid na magsalita. "I believe you are aware of some witches in this city going rogue too?" Sebastian said and Esmeralda's face changed. They both know they hit the right nerve. "The moment they stopped abiding by the rules of this city, they have been cast out of the coven." "See, that's the thing," Sebastian said and braced his hand at the frame of the door. "They're helping the rogue vampires do whatever it is they're planning to do to my brother. And us being the leaders of both factions, I ask for your cooperation to stop them. If you care for the peace of this city, you would stop these witches. Because even as you cast them out, they're still your responsibility as long as they're in this city." Nakita nilang nakatingin lang is Esmerada sa kanila. Halatang nag-iisip ito kung anong gagawin. Hanggang sa narinig nila itong nagpakawala ng buntong-hininga. She waved her hand and looked at them. "You can come in," she said. The invisible barrier was gone and Lorcan and Sebastian slowly stepped inside the shop. Nang makapasok sila ay bigla nalang sumara ang pinto sa kanilang likuran. "Lorcan Sylvaine is a hybrid. The only hybrid to exist in a millennium. Most of the vampires are sired from the Sylvaine bloodline which means that if one manages to kill a Sylvaine, all those vampires sired to him would also be dead. "For many years, you have made a lot of enemies. So it is not surprising now that they are coming together to take you down." "Can we skip to the part where you tell me how they plan on doing that?" Naiinip na wika ni Lorcan. Tiningnan lang siya ni Esmeralda bago ito nagpatuloy sa pagsasalita. "There are blood slayers roaming around this city--" "Ah, those two. I've sent them away. I believe I made it perfectly clear for them they would not see another sunrise if I see their faces again." Esmeralda ignored him and went on. "They said that the dark objects stolen from me were used to capture wolves in a mountain several miles away from here. Now think. Why would these vampires who want you dead be capturing wolves?" Natigilan silang dalawa ni Sebastian sa narinig. He muttered a curse as he realized what the rogue vampires are trying to do. "Venoms," Sebastian said. "They are capturing wolves to take their venoms." Lorcan let out a laugh. "I should remind you that I am a hybrid. Unlike ordinary vampires, werewolf venom does not affect me." Esmeralda smiled at him. "It won't, but these rogue witches will make sure it will. They will maximize your vampire side and nullify your werewolf side. A complicated spell but with enough witches, they could do it." "Which means that he will be vulnerable to the venom." Sebastian looked at Esmeralda. "And these witches will perform by breaking the sire link first, right?" Tumango ang babae sa gawi nila. "I believe so." Tumingin sa gawi niya si Sebastian bago ito tumingin ulit kay Esmeralda nang magsalita ito. "You need the blood slayers' help." Lorcan let out another laugh. "The last thing blood slayers would do is to help a vampire—a creature they're wired to kill. I think my demise would be convenient for them so, no. I don't think so." Before the witch could utter another word, Lorcan stormed out of the shop. They have the coven leader to help them now. All that's left to do is to find the lair of these rogue vampires and witches and slaughter all of them.
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