
1479 Words
    The roaring kept getting closer to us as we gathered the few things that Granny White said was most important. Mom ran outside and started moving the plants into a circle around the house. I was so confused as to why the plants were so important, but I obviously still knew nothing.     "Anastazia grab any of your learning materials and go with Zander.  He will take you to the castle in the Devildom. It's the last place Peter would look for you now. Gabriel will meet you on the other side, and your mother and I will be there soon after." Granny White was yelling at me.     Zander finished grabbing all of my stuff and then grabbed me from behind. "Hold your breath and hang on" he said. In the rush I couldn't process the words he said fast enough because the next thing I know I see a blur of dark purples, reds and black smoke.     We land on a stone floor where I drop everything to hold my throat as I practically cough my lungs up. "I did warn you to hold your breath" Zander said as her stood over me and began patting my back. "More  *cough* warning *cough* next time *cough cough*" I choked out.     I could hear then chuckles of someone close by, lifting my gaze to a pillar close by I see Gabriel stepping out into the open. His smile bright, and his eye shinning with amusement. I started to smile until I saw what he was wearing.     Black ripped skinny jeans, a dark blood red v-neck shirt that hugged him like a second skin, and a leather jacket with black and red checkered high tops. His brown hair looked like a mop  on his head, like he hadn't brushed it in a week, but still somehow looked good on him.     I wasn't used to this bad boy  look, but I could get used  to it on him. "How many more surprises should I be in for while I'm here?" I asked as I stared down Gabriel. He laughed some more and walked over to us, and started picking up everything that I had dropped.     "I can't tell if you're happy to see me or mad" Gabriel teased. I was not amused, so I ignored him and started picking up my things as well. Zander made his way to one of the doorways and yelled for someone named Vladimir.     "You called my old friend?" a man came in with a big scruffy beard, shorter but still very muscular. His accent was thick, definitely Russian, but thankfully he was easy to understand. He eyed me before looking back at Zander "that the one I've been hearing about? Your lovers child?"     Zander punched him right in gut. To say we were all shocked was an understatement. "Mat' Yebat" Vladimir yelled as he hunched over clutching his stomach. "You will speak with more respect. We may have been friends for hundreds of years, but that is my daughter and your future queen."     Well Zander is pissed, best be on my best behavior. Vladimir stood up and bowed his head respectfully. Zander started ordering him around in Russian, I think? I couldn't tell since I don't speak it. Once it seemed like he was done, Zander said one final piece but in English "I also need you to call Dimitri here. He will be a part of Anastazia's Royal Court. Peter has lost his right to his seat after he tried to kill her."     Vladimir looked shocked, but smiled bigger than the Cheshire Cat. It took him all of three seconds to yell for someone named Dimitri. In less than that amount of time a young boy came in and I think my heart stopped beating.     Before me was the most handsome boy I have ever seen. Tall, maybe 6' 6", black hair, a dimple on his left cheek, he was slender but still had muscle to him. He wore similar clothing to what Gabriel was currently wearing and his eyes were a beautiful forest green.     I think they were talking to me because I could see their mouths moving, but all I could focus on was this Dimitri. To make matters worse I think he noticed my staring because he just smirked at me showing off that cute dimple more.     I don't know what  happened next because I fainted. Way to make a good introduction to the hottie, I mentally face palmed myself. Peter POV -Meanwhile     Mara had finally delivered some good news to me. She located that b***h, and even found a way for me to enter the Sacred Waters where she was holed up with the leader of the white witch coven. From what Mara had been telling me they are related.     Mara was  able to trick her little sister into allowing us entry, something about how she wanted to atone for her sins and pledge herself to the ways of a white witch again. Total obvious bullshit lies, but to a small, naive 14 year old girl who just wanted her big sister back it was easier than taking candy from a baby.     Mara had cloaked me in a spell that made me seem human to the young white witch. We entered the tunnels that led to the Sacred Waters, and were blessed with entry by the small Samantha. Once we had been blessed, Mara dropped the spell.     The terrified look on the girls face was enough to make me laugh. "Mara you said that you had changed! That you wanted to come home!" she pleaded with Mara who only laughed in her face. Mara knelt down to her sister pulled her by the hair and slapped her across the face.     "If you want your sister back you're the one that needs to change. I'm stronger than any white witch here thanks  to the black magic that I have learned." she spouted. The girl just started crying and began to run off. "Let her go Peter, she will lead us to Adira." Mara stated in a board tone, as she checked her nails.     Following her was the right call, I could see in the small distance the house hiding that b***h sister of mine. I couldn't hold back any longer I roared in warning, my battle cry was loud and I wanted the blood of that brat.     Mara threw her sister back into the other end of the tunnel so she couldn't get the house. I roared again when I was inside the same chasm. I could see the doors opening and the witch I had hurt a week ago came out with the old head witch.     I was so sure I had them this time I did not check for any traps surrounding the home. I stepped onto the first one without realizing, and Mara had to chant some little spell to get me out of it. I let go of my control and let my hellfire consume me, creating an armor of orange swirls over my body.     I made it to the front gate of the house without getting stuck in anymore spell bindings, and reached out when I was pushed down by wind. The air felt like it was being pulled from my lungs, causing my hellfire to begin dissipating.     Lucky for me Mara also has control over wind and began to fight wind with wind. I focused my wrath on the younger one. She must be the one father loved more than my own mother. This will be a wonderful slap in the face to him.     I made quick movements and rushed to the woman. I went for her throat until I was held in place again by some plant that seemed resistant to my hellfire. "You like my ice plants? They are my favorites. The little purple flowers are resistant to fire." The woman stated calmly.     I was too focused on the woman in front of me that I didn't hear Mara running up behind me. She jumped in between the woman and I and stabbed her in the chest with a black dagger. All I saw after that was a white flash, and the feeling of being washed away.     Mara and I gained consciousness back at the entrance of the tunnels. I was fuming. I ripped Mara up by the hair "you said that you could take them on with ease, you lied to me"  I spat into her face.     Mara struggled to free herself and pleaded with me to keep her alive. She tried to convince me that she was unprepared as she had never known what Adira was capable of until now. I threw her down into the dirt "you have 1 chance Mara, do not disappoint me again." I said between gritted teeth before walking away, back to the hotel she was staying at.

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