[Fallen Aqua]

1154 Words
'Inhale..Exhale..Inhale..Exhale' all his muscles have been aching intensely though its strength was low the impact of the blow caused some blood cloth in his chest. He recovered his body after 15 minutes his fatigue has reduced and the muscles were in a relaxed state. He got up from the position and stretched his body and checked if there are any unknown injuries. There was no other injury he let out a sigh in relief. His eyes fall open to the item in front of him it was a chest and an artifact. These two rewards can't appear this early. 'Did my actions changed the past' he pondered 'Could a butterfly effect has taken place'. The butterfly effect was a phenomenon indicating that even one more flap done by a butterfly that resides in Africa can cause a huge hurricane in America. It was a famous phenomenon and many people in the world knew about it. Just as he was thinking dozens of notifications appeared before him... [Level Up] [Level Up] ...... [Level Up] [Your the first one to kill a mutant in this whole World, Do you wish to announce it YES or NO] "Yes" he chose it without hesitation he has to show his dominance to the whole world. Doomsday System: [World Announcement] Congratulation, Leon Sebastian for killing the mutant for the first time in the whole realm. Doomsday System:[World Announcemnt] Congratulation, Leon Sebastian for killing the mutant for the first time in the whole realm. Doomsday System: [World Announcement] Congratulation, Leon Seba..... The news reached every place on the earth be it east or west, strong or weak, every one of them was shocked by the news. On the other hand, a gentle smile appeared on Elin's she stood up from the floor and made her way to the next floor.Without further delay, Leo picked up the treasure chest from the ground and hurried to open it but on the second thought he wished to open it with elin so, he dropped it down and held a medium-sized orb-like rune which was imprinted with glyphs. [Name: Weapon Orb Type: Rune Grade: Unique Description: Open the orb and you will get the weapon you wish.] The description was not much and also he didn't have any knowledge about this thing so it means that in the past only a few people got this.Leon didn't care much he simply unlocked the rune-like orb. Suddenly a hologram appeared in front of him from the orb it had many types of weapons sabre, sword, axe, spear etc. [Please Choose the weapon you desire] All the weapons were at least unique and the maximum grade was universal without waiting he ventured into the spear section. All the spears were doomsday items if he were to buy them from blacksmith or doomsday mall the lowest price tag will be at least 300,000-400,000 Doomsday coins. But he can choose one for free he really hit a jackpot this time, he wasn't hasty he slowly reed the information of all the spears many legend grades and universal grades can be seen but he didn't choose it observed all the weapons slowly one spear captured his eyes. [Name: Fallen Aqua Grade: Rare(Growth type) Attribute:- Skills:- Current State: Weakened Description: Has unlimited growth can reach the highest grade if nurtured well, please choose wisely because it is now nothing more than trash] It was absolute trash in other's eyes but only Leon knows its value. In the past many world leaders establishment leaders were very strong but the highest possible weapon a human blacksmith can make was the universal grade. It was a great disadvantage for humans. Who created this disadvantage? It was human's themselves at the beginning some people got growth type but humans turned it into runes or fused it with the higher grade weapons it was good for the time being but when the monster's which had the size of a mountain or even bigger appeared they were helpless. After the appearances of huge monsters only taboo grade weapons can kill them because it was the requirement only two people had taboo grade weapons at that time it was Reaper twins they both had the Taboo grade weapons Sthyce they both worked under WDA people don't know why they worked for One of the leaders under WDA but due to them, the doomsday coins rained for WDA. [Confirmation required, Do you wish to obtain the [Fallen Aqua] YES or NO] "YES" as he said a 2.1m length spear which had an Ice colour materialized on his right hand it was more slender and seemed to be easy to handle even though it was sharp and slender its durability was much higher. As he finished observing the weapon elin also entered the floor she ran and hugged Leon as always he talked with her for some time and picked up the treasure chest. Now Elin has arrived he can open it without any care. [Do you want to open the Treasure Chest(Unique)? YES or NO] Impatiently confirming the question, Leon looked intensely to the chest as his eyes were glued to it. He saw how it was turning into the particles of blue light as it was vanishing into the thin air. Finally, giving the last batch the blue light, it disappeared from his hands, as a small ring and a bracelet lay instead of a treasure chest. Checking the status window of an item, he drew in a mouthful of air mixed with a foul smell of blood and gore. -- [Holy Mana Ring Grade: Rare -Increases mana by 20 -Allows firing a Mana Bullet Description: A ring blessed by the Holy Goddess a skill will be unlocked when the user reaches a certain level] -- 'The description is as blank as always though it is an advantage that I got a magic ring' as he thought he checked the status window of the Bracelet. -- [Valkyrie Bracelet Grade: Unique -Increases strength by 34 Skills: [Divine Shield] when activated strong shield wraps around the user for 21sec. Mana:32 Cooldown Time: 30min. Description: Made by the goddess Valkyrie, if you are a female try to obtain all the pieces of equipment of Valkyrie set] -- 'What's with the description' Leon considered the items [holy Mana Ring] was best for him since he was a combat fighter he had a major disadvantage over the distance the mana bullet was quite useful and you didn't need to chat the spell which was quite particular in actual fights. He took [Holy Mana Ring] for himself and gave the [Valkyrie Bracelet] to Elin it also said it also indirectly mentioned it is useful for females so, he let her have it. Tomorrow he will clear this mall and head to the base, if he finds any survivors it is truly a blessing but after seeing the mutants he didn't have any hopes for it.
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