Kamalesh[Author] note

232 Words
Hello everyone and thank you for reading my novel, there may be good and interesting things but I still have a lot of things that needs to improve on. I don't have much to say...I guess? Anyways this is my first time publishing in Ringdom the editing platform is very good in ringdom I can say that with my rookie experience. MC will be sometimes evil and ruthless as it is an apocalypse genre don't expect him to be a hero either there will be some R18 chapters readers who don't like it can refrain themselves it won't affect the story much. I was thinking for a while that what should I do with auxiliary volume and decided to add things like character background, equipment and synopsis and the monsters and zombies. Be aware that I won't add spoilers in these chapters and only add things that are known in the novel or things that would never be mentioned in the novel. A good example of these things that will never be mentioned is some of the characters' past or background that doesn't really need to be said in the novel as they won't really affect anything in the story or the characters themselves don't really think about those memories. The characters will be regularly updated once there changes or things to be added. Hmm...That's all I think? Well then, HAPPY READING! 
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