Chapter 13

191 Words

13 Sean Hinkle’s phone buzzed. He picked it up and saw the number the caller used. He didn’t want to answer, but he also didn’t want the caller to have to phone him back. That never ended well. He took the call. “This is Sean.” “I warned you, but you wouldn’t listen, would you?” “I’m sorry, I—” “It’s too late for ‘sorry,’ Sean, my friend. Much too late. Audrey’s old pal found her, and soon the cops will, too. I’m sick to death of them, always sticking their noses into my business. They’re going to screw this up not because they’re clever, but because they aren’t. They’re bunglers, just like you. And that’s why you need to fix this mess.” “But the cops—” “Are only people, my lad. People that can be bribed. Although in this particular case, I don’t know that I’d even attempt it, not fr

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