
1383 Words
Lily’s POV Pacing wasn’t going to change the result of the test I just took, but I was anxious. I mean it was not everyday you see people getting pregnant at just their first time, right? I’m sure I wasn’t pregnant, I’m just a little late, but I never was. I’m sure it’s just a stomach bug that had been causing my vomit for the past couple of days. Oh, s**t. Now that I thought about it, it seem like I might be. I mean, who was I kidding? It didn’t matter that I had only had s*x once, with my husband who doesn’t want me, it only took once to get pregnant anyway. I hoped that the kit wasn’t broken, and that I wasn’t pregnant, because it doesn’t make sense I was when my husband was already planning to divorce me. At some point, I closed my eyes as I waited, stopping to lean against the bathroom wall of my room. It was time to check the result a couple of seconds later, and I popped my eyes open to walk to the sink to see the strip. Okay, moment of truth is right here. A tiny pink line appeared, and I quickly looked at the kit pack to see what that mean. One line: Not pregnant! Two lines: Pregnant! Quickly looking back at the test kit, I started to yell my joy, but the sound got trapped at the back of my throat when the second line appeared. Oh my goodness, I was pregnant? It wasn’t even a question. This test kit could be broken or inaccurate, but if I was pregnant, it would explain all the symptoms I had been getting, and how sick I felt for these past couple of morning. I was sure that every thing was fine even though I was feeling it, but here I was. What in the world was I going to do now. I mean, I should be happy I was pregnant for my husband, but he doesn’t want me, and we could get divorced at any time. According to him, his lawyer would give me the papers to sign any time from now, and the thought caused my eyes to water. I have to hide this test kit, not that Zion ever come to my room, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Sighing, I washed my face and walked out of the bathroom, then I walked to the dresser to keep the kit in the corner of the drawer. I would deal with it later. Basically, I had no one to talk to about this, I had no close friend I could confide in, and my family would make a big deal out of it if they ever found out. I was just going to have to keep it to myself, and deal with the divorce first, then after that, I would plan about what would happen to me and the child. At that thought, my hand instinctively went up to my stomach that was still very much flat, and I swallow the pain in my throat from the fear I was feeling at the moment. “Hey baby,” I called softly even though I know it couldn’t even hear me yet, but I’m sure it already had a connection with me somehow. “Mummy is going to love you so much, you hear me. She’s going to keep you and care for you.” The tears I was trying to hold back didn’t stop as it rolled down my cheeks, my throat closing up. This wasn’t the life I had planned for herself, honest to God, but what in the world would I do than to accept it? That was life anyway, it brought to people unexpected challenges and opportunities, it just depended on the people and how they received it. The only problem was, I don’t know what would happen to me soon, where I would live and start a new life, what the future hold for me and my baby. I don’t even know if I would be left broke or taken care of like he promised he would if I agree to his terms, and the thoughts made me scared. Well, I was going to care for my baby, I knew that for damn sure. * For a split second, the urge to tell Zion about our baby overwhelmed me as I stared at him at the other end of the table in the lawyer’s office, maybe just to see the look on his face, or to see how he would react to the news, but I kept quiet. “You should sign quietly if you want anything,” the lawyer said and I stopped the urge to roll my eyes at him. Ass! He had just said that as if I was holding out on signing the stupid papers. I couldn’t wait to get away from this man who had done nothing but brought me down over and over in this past year that I had lived with him. I knew when we got married, that he wasn’t going to openly open up to me or anything like that, I mean, I was a stranger, but I had expected that he would at least, get the know me, and things would only get better from there on out, but it had been the opposite of my thoughts. He had been nothing but condescending, cold and nasty to me, doing everything he could to hurt me, knowingly or otherwise. It took a year of our marriage before he came on to me, and just like the fool that I was, j had let him take my innocence, and then treat me like trash afterwards. “Camila, holding out like this wouldn’t be in your favor.” The lawyer said again, his voice interrupting my thought. Sighing, I looked at him and asked. “Why do I have to lie I cheated though. I’ve never cheated on him, if anything, it’s otherwise.” I said, pointing at him. Zion scoffed as he looked at me. “You don’t have to say that, but then you get nothing. That’s it.” He said. I finally looked at him again, as I had been avoiding to look at him because of the fear that I might just blurt out about the pregnancy. He had a cold stare, and I couldn’t help to wonder if he was always this rude to other people or I just brought out that side of him. I sighed and shook my head. I started to say something but before I could, he interrupted me. “Well, that’s it then. I guess you don’t want to take my term.” He said, and I realized he must have taken the shake of my head out of context. “Oh please, just give me the damn papers.” I said. “Well, that’s nice, Camila.” He said and I swallowed. I could count the number of time he had actually called my name since we’ve been married, and it was always nerving to hear it roll out of his tongue like that. He smiled and gestured for the lawyer to pass me the papers. It was like he had just gone from being so cold to me to being hot, just because I agreed to his ridiculous offer, but I had no choice. According to him, he would give me a good amount for just agreeing to his terms, and even though my pride was hurt for accepting it, I had my baby to think of. The only thing worse than collecting his stupid money in exchange for lying about the reason we got divorced was suffering with my child when he or she arrived. Plus, I really had no money to my name to get by until I could find a job or something. Finding job when I was pregnant wouldn’t be easy either, so I just had to be shameless. Picking up the pen, I signed the papers and slid it back towards them, then I stood up and walked out of the office without a word. I had a lot to do anyway. I had to pack and book my flight.
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