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Camila’s POV I was probably dreaming, that was the only thing that made sense, because I couldn’t be staring at Dorothy right now. You all remember Dorothy, right? The woman who had been with my husband those years ago, the one that told me my husband was leaving me, the one that told looked me in the eyes and told me I was nothing. Yes, that Dorothy. She stared at me with wide eyes for a couple of seconds, then she acted like she didn’t know who I was, putting a smile on her face. “Hello, miss. You must be the other caterer, Dylan’s best friend.” She said and I nodded. I was literally turn between asking her what happened with her relationship with my husband, explaining to her fiancé, my best friend’s brother, who’s she was and her role in my divorce, but then I stopped myself. This wasn’t a good idea, it was not my place to do that. I took it back when I said men were scum, I think it was all human that had that tendency to be a scum when they wanted to be. “Yes, miss. My name is Camila, but everyone calls me Cam.” I told her. She nodded her head at me and said. “Nice to meet you, my name is Dorothy, but everyone calls me Dory.” She said. Yes, Dory! That was what Dylan called her which was why I never made the connection that she could be the one. As we exchanged pleasantries, I couldn't help but wonder how Dory had moved on from her involvement with my ex-husband and was now getting married to someone else. She had seemed like she was his everything at that time and somehow, I was the one that was holding him back from being with him. I really haven’t heard much about Zion, other than the occasional news in the newspaper and online, but I had genuinely thought that they would be getting married the next minute I was out. Or had they gotten married and then divorced each other like Zion did with me? There were so much that could be the case in this scenario. I felt a pang of surprise and disbelief, and it was pushed in together with a tinge of curiosity, of what could have happened there, what could have been the story, and perhaps even a hint of resentment. Seeing her here with Tommy, looking all happy, and every single thing about her all glowing up and stuff, stirred up old emotions and memories that I thought I had long put behind me. She was here now with Tommy, happy, while I who had done nothing wrong but do something nice for my husband before I was pushed out because of her was still alone, broken, with no man in my life. Well, that was a lie though. I do have a man in my life, Zion, my kid. That boy acted like he was my husband, brother and companion most days than I could count. That made me smile a little, mentally. I looked back at Dorothy, or Dory as she said everyone called her to see she was a little but unease, like she was thinking I might talk about her and what she had done. She wouldn’t have been like this if it was just me trying to talk about her past relationship, seeing as everyone had a past, except me, of course, because Zion was my first, and last for now, but she was skeptical because of the fact that she had had a relationship with a married man, and even succeeded in breaking up the marriage, with his wife who happened to be me. I sighed and then I forced a smile, trying to maintain my composure as we continued our conversation. I couldn't let my personal feelings interfere with our professional duties at the wedding. However, deep down, I knew that encountering Dory again would reopen old wounds and raise questions that I had buried in the past. I was just going to have to pretend as though I didn’t know him. That was the only way I could do it. “So for the main course, it’s settled, you guys don’t want any change?” I asked and Dorothy looked at her fiancé, then they both looked at me and shook their heads. Wow! That was cute, the communication with their eyes. Well, maybe she had changed for real and she wasn’t that kind of shallow woman she was back then anymore. Just maybe… I nodded as I typed in a few adjustments into my iPad and then I went over the desserts with them, then after we were done talking it all out, I put my iPad into my bag, and then I said. “Well then, thank you both for having me. I should be on my way now. I have somewhere to be.” I said and they both nodded. It did felt like they were in sync or something about everything, but then again, I didn’t know anything. Maybe it was just me being skeptical about things because of her reputation and the thing she did to my marriage. “Good bye then. I’m sure this should cover it all, and if we have any question, I’ll be sure to call you.” I said. Tommy nodded and said. “Thank you so much, Cam. For everything you’ve done with Dylan so far, for grounding her and making her stick to something finally after all these years after college.” He said and I smiled. Dylan and I met at the lowest point of my life, when I was pregnant and almost broke, but we both helped each other out in a big way. Only her help weighed more than mine could ever be. Now, she was my best friend and we tell everything to each other. I was now the CEO of our company and she was the managing director, she said that was what we knew best and we were flourishing, but it was still small and we were hoping it would grow bigger. “She did more for me, Tommy. I believe we helped each other, but thank you for saying that.” I said as I headed to the door with him behind me. As we parted ways, I couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that seeing Dory again had stirred within me, you know, made me remember things I had tried so hard to forget in these past five years. I knew that I would have to confront my emotions and find a way to move forward, but for now, I had a job to do. As I walked away, I couldn't help but wonder what it was going to be like for both Dorothy and I, especially now that our paths had crossed once again. Maybe I would get to someday asked her why she thought making Zion divorce me was the best thing she could do. For now, I needed to get the hell out of here and go pick my son at school before he had to wait for long for me.
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