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Tyler The Creator ft. Pharell Williams- IFHY Hunter:      "I like her," Aeneas stood up when I walked over to him to relieve him from his afternoon watch of the northern wall. "She's a lot smarter, a lot prettier, and a whole lot better than Vanessa,"      "Vanessa," I sighed. I had forgotten to get back to her. I had sent her away on a mission and she's due to come back any day now. "I have to make sure that Astra never finds out about her or she's dead,"      "You have to tell Vanessa that this isn't a game. That Astra Malacoda will tear her in f*****g half and laugh while doing it. Then she's going to feed her body to her psycho brother who turns into the biggest silverback wolf I've ever seen,"      "Silverback?" I asked looking over at him.      "Yeah, her brother turns into a silverback. Her mother turns into a black knight. Her uncles and grandfathers are all f*****g vampire purebloods. Please, and I can't stress this out more than I already am. Don't hurt her. Your mom and I won't be able to handle losing you," he smacked my back as he jumped down and started to head into the living area.      I haven't had a moment to myself in a couple of days. Settling everyone was surprisingly easy. After Astra apologized for what she did, they seem to settle down a little. It's like they know that something is up. I watched her playing with some of the pups yesterday. For someone a blank as she is, she sure does have a knack for making people like her. I wonder if it's the vampire glamor or if growing up in a place like this taught her to be as easy going with others.      "Hey," I jumped up when her voice sent chills over my body.      "Hi," I greeted her when I got a hold of myself. I'm starting to feel her under my skin. I crave to see her sometimes. I've been dreaming about her. Not the good kind either. All I see the beast that thrashed us single handedly the day we met.      "I-uh-" she cleared her throat. "I made my cousin cry and as punishment, my mom sent me here,"      "Grounded?" I laughed.      "More like tortured," she smirked. "Although, I prefer the night. My senses are always sharper at night,"      "Me too," I admitted.      "I was also told to inform you that squad eight is coming in through here tonight," she smiled widely like she's excited about that bit of information. She dropped a duffle bag on the ground next to her.      "How many?" I asked.      "Four. The first ten squads only have four hunters in them. Higher numbers have six,"      "Why?"      "Originally mom only wanted three. These are our strongest hunters. Four seems like overkill but after what happened to Killian's squad a couple of years ago, four is now the requirement,"      "Why aren't you in a squad?" I asked, despite me wanting to ask about what happened to Killian's squad.      "I'm not old enough yet," she shrugged. "But I will be soon and I plan to join this squad,"      "Eight?" I asked. She nodded.      "Can I ask you a personal question?" she asked climbing on the wall. She's swinging her legs, tapping the back of her feet against the side. Her back is to me which is probably best. Her beautiful silver eyes scare the hell out of me.     "Sure," I want to- no, I need to hear more of her voice.      "Lots of people think you killed your father when you left Lupin Orchard," she stated. I'm no stranger to that rumor. "Why?"      "I wounded him and he went into hiding. Lycans, we don't heal the way others do. It's why there are so few of us. It takes a part of us away. Chips away at who we are,"      "I know," she sighed. "I can't imagine what he put you through to make you this way. All you had to endure. The weight of who you've become,"      "We have to talk about this, Astra. What we are to one another," talking about my past isn't something I want to talk about with anyone. I spend enough thinking about it, letting it haunt me.     "Did you mean it?" she asked glancing back at me.      "What?"      "When you said that you'd be able to walk away from this already knowing who I am?" her tone is hurt.      "Astra-"      "You don't have to spare my feelings," she turned to stand up and come over to me. "I'm a big girl. I can handle it. I just-" she swallowed hard. "I'm not like them. I'd never hurt anyone just because of what they are,"      "No, you just hurt them because of what you are," I looked away.      "It's a bit hypocritical on your behalf, don't you think?" she asked. I turned to look at her. "After everything you've done. How can you stand there and judge me for what I am when you chose to be what you are. You're known as The Hunter. You've killed more of my kind than anyone else has. Including my mother who couldn't control the wolf in her until she was closing in on thirty,"      "Just the ones responsible," I rolled my eyes at her. Is she not counting the wolves her mother killed because she decreased the census by twenty- four percent.      "I'm not responsible for what happened to you. I'm not going to apologize for something I didn't do. If that's what you want. No one here is. You're not a victim anymore, Z. You're a predator just like the rest of us. You have room for improvement, but you are what you are and I don't mind,"      "You should,"      "Why? I'm not going to make you apologize for what you did to those vampires. f**k them. I would have lined them up and compelled them to stay still so you could have your way with them," she shrugged. She turned to look out into the open.      "Are you trying to compromise with me?" I asked. She scoffed.      "Of course not. You wouldn't leave even if I wanted you too. Especially not after tonight,"      "What's happening tonight?" I asked.      A howl in the distance echoed. Her entire face lit up. Her eyes sparkled with an intensity I've never seen before. She grinned before she stood up-on the ledge of the wall and answered the howl. Four massive wolves rushed out from the tree line. I watched as she jumped off to greet them. I followed. I don't know why but I did. She has the duffle bag with her. I didn't even see her grab for it.      "Are you f*****g kidding me?" the voice echoed in my ears as the biggest wolf shifted into his skin. Without any clothes, he walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. A hug she welcomed wholeheartedly. He picked her up and spun her around. "You're tall now,"      "Ish," she laughed. "You need a shave," she reached for his face. "This is a lot easier at this height,"      "Well, you used to be tiny," he chuckled. She tossed the duffle bag at him. Three other men greeted her formally as they all took clothes out of the duffle bag she brought with her.      "We'd love to stay and catch up, princess but we have places to be. You get it," one of the other wolves began to make his way towards the gate that's opening up for them.      "Welcome home, boys. I expect a full report by morning. From all of you," she nodded. They bowed and rushed inside.      "Who the f**k this guy?" her friend asked.      "Oh," she said like she was disappointed that I was still standing here. "Angel this is Hunter Steppenwolf,"      "What the f**k?" he laughed. "What's he doing here?"      "Mom is letting them stay here. We have a lot to catch up on,"      "Like the fact that your little vampire fangs came in?" he chuckled reaching for her mouth. I growled wrapping my hand around his wrist. His bemused expression dampened.      "He's also my mate," she bit out that last part. His eyes went from her to me. He pulled away with a scowl on this face.      "Oh," he sighed. "I should go inside and let Evie know I'm here. Is it safe to assume that everyone's here already?"      "Yeah, they all got here a couple of days ago," she confirmed.      "I'll see you inside, Leen," his smile didn't quite reach his eyes like before.      "Angel," she called after him. He didn't turn to look at her. He just kept walking. She's right. I can't leave her anymore. She f*****g did this on purpose.     "You're in love with him," I stated.      "And?" she confirmed, she turned to look at me with tears in her eyes.      "You have someone in your life and you were trying to compromise for my stay here,"      "I'm not asking you to stay here," she shook her head.      "You're asking me not to reject you,"      "Right," she nodded.      "Who is he?"      "That's Evander Angelo, the son of the former werewolf king. Ward of the Royal Vampire family. His twin sister is mated to the Vampire King Brendan Malacoda and he's like me. Half battle wolf, and one-day half-vampire,"      She began to make her way towards the gate. Rage is flooding through my body. This feeling is more than familiar. I've felt it several times before. Jealousy is something that man used against us in our training. He'd pin-us against one another by treating us all differently. I grabbed her arm turning her to face me. I pushed her against the metal gate with my hand wrapped around her throat.      "You belong to me," I growled. "No one else,"      "I know that," she nodded. "I've always known that. Even when I didn't know who you were," she lightly put her hand on my forearm. The sensation she instills in my skins is a problem. "If you asked me, I'd cut his head off and hand it to you on a silver plate. If you'd ask me, I'd bring him to you so you can kill him. That is the devotion I will always have to you. Anything you ask for will be yours. The only exception, of course, is my family. You hurt them in any way and I will destroy you,"      "I want this. You. Why is it so difficult to just say yes?" I asked.      "Vanessa Argon," she answered. My heart skipped. I let her go and stepped away. She's looking at my chest. Probably listening to my pulse. "I haven't killed her. She's not far,"      "You have her?" I asked. "She has a family-"      "I don't," she cut me off. "Why would I take her? She is no threat to me. I'm vastly superior to someone as simple as her. Even at my age, my intellect as well as my figure and features surpass hers. Do you love her?"      "Not the way you love, Angel," she's incredibly confident in herself.      "But enough to f**k her with meaning," she shot back.      "Have you-" I couldn't even fathom the thought of that mother fucker touching her.      "No, I'd never disrespect my mate that way. I've thought about it, but I never initiated such a circumstance," I don't know why that makes me feel good. "Your response to me knowing who she is, tells me who you are, Z. What a mating means to you. I didn't think you'd disappoint me so early into this,"      "You're f*****g insane," I bit out. "You're talking about a hypothetical scenario. You'd know I'd never ask you to kill him,"      "It's not hypothetical," she shook her head.      "Then bring him here so I can kill him," I growled. She stepped away from me and nodded. It's obviously a bluff.     I followed as she began to walk a little too fast for me to keep up with her without jogging. Everyone is gathered in front of the packhouse. They all turned to look at us. She marched right up to him and gripped him by his neck. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears as he tried to pull away from her. She dragged him over to me, kicking his leg out. The snap echoed in the silence she created before he roared in pain.      "Kill him," she dared me.      "Evan," one of the girls called out from behind him. There are tears in Astra's eyes but she's completely serious.      "You're f*****g mad,"      "Do it," she cried out. Her voice broke. The sound she made completely obliterated the rage that had been pumping inside of me. She's not kidding.      "Stop," I placed my hand on hers and pulled her away from him.      "You have no f*****g idea who it is I am," she bit out angrily. "You know nothing about me. Your actions are based on a biased hypothesis of me and my family. The world does not revolve around you, Z. These people have done nothing to you or anyone of your people. You're not a leader. You're not a king. You're not even alpha. You're just a kid who inspired the will to survive in others. Stop playing the victim card. When she gets here, if you put a hand on her again, I will kill her and unlike you. I will not hesitate because it's going to hurt you. f**k you,"      With that, she turned away and rushed inside. The girl that had called out to Angel rushed over to him and helped him up. He stretched his leg out popping it back in place. His eyes are glowing silver as he looked me over.      "What?" I scoffed. "You got something to say?"      "I should f*****g kill you," he bit out. The rage is back. Now that she's out of sight and he's not. I can feel the beast in me waking up.      "Okay," Scylla is standing between the two of us now. Had she been close this whole time? "Angel, back off. You're an amazing fighter, but you don't stand chance against him. Go inside,"      "My queen," he bowed and followed her order.      I turned to leave only to bump into Alastair. Turns out she was right. The back of his hand smacked against my face making me stumble. The pain brought it out in me and I roared in his direction ready to attack. Again, she stood in front of me, shaking her head.      "You're not ready for that. Everyone, go inside," she called over my head as I tried to calm down.      "If you ever make my daughter do something like that again, I'll make you wish you were dead," Alastair bit out before he disappeared.      "I told you she was the favorite and you still made her cry?" Scylla Malacoda smirked at me.      "I didn't mean to. Did you know she was in love with him?"      "Yes, since she was seven," she answered motioning me to sit on a bench near her red roses. I took a seat. She's standing in front of me and I can't help but see Astra. She positioned her hands on my jaw and popped it back into place. "So, it doesn't take from your eyes,"      "It has to be a mortal wound. Something not many can come back from," I reassured her.      "Oh," she chuckled taking a seat. "I didn't think she'd pull this out of her little bag of tricks. Astra is a bit of a handful. She gets it from me, but she also has that extra oomph from her dad. He's as devoted as she is. I was almost thirty when we found one another. I never let anyone in because I was always afraid of rejection.      "She's not. No one has ever said no to her. By the look you give Angel, I know you won't either. It doesn't mean she's going to make it easy for you. She's one hundred percent serious about killing the girl. She's been tracking her since you two met the very first time and we linked your, accomplices. Odds are she knows more about you than you do already. I also take responsibility for that. I taught her how to track people by hacking into human government security systems," Like the thing with Killian's squad I'm going to refrain from asking about that.       "I'm not in love with Vanessa, but I do love her. I can't let her get hurt because of that. I don't understand her reasoning,"      "Alright, let me put it this way. You want to take Rogue Creek because you want the numbers that come with it so you can get rid of the vampires. You've already sacrificed a lot to get to where you are now. You would have let me kill your mother and you allowed your brother to come here to see how tight security is. That is devotion to your cause. That is what she feels about the bond between mates,"      "But it's not the same thing. Why would she feel that way about it?"      "Because of me and my mate. Our union isn't traditional or ideal. A lot of people were pissed off because of it. I was already a target before him and it only made some really old bitter mother fuckers angrier. We never doubted what we were. We questioned the nature but we never questioned us. Alastair and I have created a home where we never had one before. She was raised in that. That's what she knows of what the two of you are. She may not like that it was you, but she'd never dishonor your bond to her even if it means killing the only person that understands what she is,"      "I don't know what to do," I admitted. I don't know why I feel so comfortable talking to her.      "I was in your position when Alastair found me. I was in the midst of taking everything I was denied when he stormed into my life without warning. He saved me," she whispered the last part. I looked over at her. "I would have died had it not been for him. I would have given them the satisfaction of my demise before I got to where I wanted to be. It was like the universe knew and led him here that I would live.      "You've suffered enough, son. I see it in your eyes. I saw it in your writing. You're dying inside and no matter what you do you can't fill that void that is eating at your soul. I've been there so many times. I've raged. I've cried. I've cursed everything and it was never enough. Not until I met him. Not until I held my son in my arms. Until I held Astra.      "I love everything I've accomplished. I mean look at how my people are thriving. They will continue to do so, no matter what the universe throws at me because this is the path I chose. You have come a long way. My son is mated to a girl who can't even do her own f*****g homework. That's the next Queen of the Rogues," she sighed. "But you, you bring something to the table where only beasts sit. That's pride you hear in my voice. I know you'll do right by all of us when the time comes,"      "Why are you being nice to me?" I asked. I wiped my eyes. I don't know when I started to cry. I feel like she just mapped out my life and solved it for me. I never had someone understand much less know.      "Because no one is ever nice to people like us. They bow and they respect, but they only do it because they know you're everything they're not. Astra meant to hurt you tonight. With Angel, with what she said. You pushed back as hard as she did. She wasn't expecting that. While I want to backhand you myself, I say, good job. She needs to be put in her place from time to time,"      "Thanks," I chuckled.      "You should come watch us train. Five fifteen. The southern barracks. Bring Aeneas with you. I have a question. If you don't mind," yeah. She's a tiny version of her mother.      "I don't,"      "Why did she call you Z?"     "That's my name," I answered. "Where I grew up we were given letters depending on our strength. I was the youngest and the weakest,"      "Where does Hunter come from?"      "Hunter isn't who I am. Hunter is what I am," I stood up. I looked down at the beautiful woman and wondered if she's going to look like this or if she's going to keep changing. "I've never had a conversation with someone who understands. Who carries the same weight. My intention was to kill you,"      "I know," she smiled, gripping the edge of the bench as she rocked back and forth. She's adorable. "Had you been trained her in Rogue Creek, there is no doubt in my mind that would have accomplished your goal. You haven't even hit prime and you're a little savage,"      "You're filled with compliments, aren't you?" I laughed.      "No, I mostly hate everyone. Especially those beneath me. I like you. You're special. How is everything going in the northern gates?" Yeah, like mother like daughter.      "Good. I have four men scouting. I take the night shift myself," I bowed.      "Great. I'll talk to Alastair about butting out of your mating. My dad didn't like him at first either," she grinned. "Have a good night, Hunter,"      "You can call me, Z," I stopped her from walking away.      "Nah," she waved it off. "I have a sister. Allison. When I found her, her serial number was thirty-four oh eight. I'd never call you something that you shouldn't have been called in the first place. I like Hunter. Who is what we distinguish us to the people we love. What we are, makes what the world sees us as. I'm now, mom or Scy. Scylla is the monster that ended the tyranny of the old world and established peace for the Rogue community by force,"     "I haven't established peace. All I've done is destroy,"      "Walk back to the gate, Hunter. Listen to the silence of those who can now sleep because they know you're there to protect them. That is called bringing peace to others at the expense of your own. You should enroll at the university while you're here. Do some online classes. They'll teach things you can't learn on your own. I'm forming a scout team. I'd like it if you added to it,"      "Please don't tell me Angel is going to lead it,"      "f**k no. He's a good kid and I love his work, but scouting isn't his forte. Astra is leading the team. She's sneaky and knows how to take command when she needs to. Angel is an alpha. He doesn't know how to blend in. Much like my son," she grinned.      "Believe it or not Aeneas is my best scout,"      "I know. Astra wanted me to ask for him personally," she nodded.      "How many men do you need?"      "Two. Aeneas and whoever meets your scouting expectations. I trust you have an eye for these things,"      "Yes, I'll bring them out with me to watch you train,"      "Perfect. Now, excuse me. I have an ill-tempered daughter I need to talk to before she kills your friend. That's all she's allowed to be now, Hunter. I don't have to remind you that this is Astra's home and if she catches her mate in an unforgivable act, you will be punished. You'll survive, but that courtesy is not extended to her or her family,"      "I understand," I nodded.      "Good. Carry on," she dismissed me. She walked into the packhouse. If that's what mate is going to look like at thirty, I'm going to be the f*****g happiest man on the planet. Right now, tiny Astra Malacoda is making me want to drive off the f*****g cliffside on the southern borders of this place. 
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