The Memory of A

3422 Words

K.Flay- Can't Sleep Astra:      The sound of his boots against the hardwood floor is making my heartbeat race. I can hear my pulse in my ears beating unnaturally as the heavy footsteps get closer. Mommy said not to come out of my hiding place no matter what I hear. I jumped when the sound of the door being kicked open echoed in the darkness of the closet.      "Where is he?" the man asks. "Tell me where the boy is, b***h. He's mine,"      "Please, my lord. He's a pup. He's wounded. Training can wait a couple of more days," mom begged. I flinched when the loud smack came.      "I say when the boy trains," he growled. "You are not here to be a mother, breeder,"      "No, please. No," mom called out. I covered my ears as the sound of her clothes being torn bounced around in the darkness

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