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Above & Beyond ft. Justine Suissa- Cold Feet Hunter:      I sensed him close the moment he entered the campgrounds. The ground shakes a bit when he's in his Lycan form. The power that comes from Aeneas is magnificent. A trait we both get from our piece of s**t father. He rushed into the house and went straight upstairs. I can smell them on him. The scent that stands out the most is hers. It's faint.      "We have to talk," he greeted.      "Welcome home, little brother," I grinned. He had begged me to let him go and swore he wasn't going to get caught. He laughed. "Did you get what you were looking for?"     "No," he sighed dropping on the couch behind me. I turned my gaming chair around to look at him to give him my full attention. "You want the bad news, the okay news, or the good news first?"      "What's the bad news?" I asked. His okay new sounds like he's still processing it.     "She's not taking us seriously. We're not threatening enough for her. I didn't get past the front gate because we were just that good. You were right, the girl. She let me in. She caught me. She's super cute," he smiled. I growled at him.      Why does it bother me that he'd think that? He's right. She looks just like the Queen. A smaller more deadly version, but she is none the less, beautiful. That's not the problem. The problem is what she is. I've seen what she can do in a frenzy. She's basically a weaponized version of the others of her kind. The heir isn't like that. Since turning, the vampire Queen is no longer like that. What makes her different?      "Not a threat," I stood up. "She said that?"      "Yeah, I have paperwork. She also liked your um... your letter. She called it exquisite," he placed a file on the coffee table. I sat on the love seat across from him and took it.      "What's the okay news?"      "f*****g zombie apocalypse," he shouted. I looked up at him confused. "I'm not making this s**t up, bro. You know me. They had these prisoners. The prince said that they attacked a couple of weeks ago. They attacked the high school where the mini rogue queen went. They almost killed her," he has my full attention now. "They had been feeding them. Keeping them comfortable. They tried to interrogate them and they got nothing out of them.      "She was letting me go when they were putting him back into it's cell. The thing bit one of the guards. Dude, the guard lost his s**t. Bit his mate. It was insane, the rogue queen had to kill her. We then took them to the medical room and they were trying to help the guard. Hunter, the girl got up like her neck hadn't been snapped like a f*****g glow stick.      "I've never seen anything like that. It scared her, Hunter. The Rogue Queen was f*****g scared. Her reaction, everything. I couldn't believe it myself and we were all watching it happen. They couldn't have been any older than us, man. The look of sadness in her eyes when she put them down. Something is happening, Hunter. I'm all for taking s**t from people, but I think we need to deal with this first,"      "They were all there?" I asked.      "Mini rogue queen and her dad are out of the country. Her mom sent her to Romania to get her the hell out of here, but I think she's bringing her back in. Hunter, I know this is the last thing you want to hear, but the camp is not equipped to handle something like that. They have a fortress. Once all of this blows over, we can go back to killing one another,"      "None of it sounds suspicious to you?"      "It would have if I hadn't seen it myself. The pack lands are on lockdown. The capital is closed. The only ones being ass holes about this are the humans,"      "What did she say about my request?"      "It's all in the file. I'm going to shower. Here," he placed something wrapped in a napkin in front of me. "I'm not going to ask because something tells me I already know. I know what the vampires did to us. What the Rogue King before King Dylan did to our kind. Fate is cruel for doing this, Hunter. What you don't need to be doing is making s**t harder than it has to be. You're the only family I have left. I don't want to lose you to your own stubbornness,"      "You trust them?" I asked looking down at the file.      "I trust you. You trust me. The rest of the world doesn't matter," he got up and went back up the staircase.      I unwrapped the cloth napkin to find a necklace. This is where the scent is coming from. He knew enough to make sure he didn't defile the scent with his own. In ink, the inside of the napkin reads. Sorry. The gold chain is a beautiful crisscross rope-like pattern. It's a little thick of my liking but it's long enough to stay on when I shift into my Lycan form. The pendant made me smile. It's the sixty-fourth note key. I set it down on the table.      The manila envelope is going to piss me off. I can feel it. I opened it to find my letter. She grammatically corrected the entire thing and put a B+ on the top. I would like to see more work for you, Hunter. Grants and scholarships are always available for newcomers. Thank you. Is written on the top of the page in perfect script. b***h.      I balled it up to find a blueprint under it. It looks like a packhouse. Under that is a map. A map of the location I'm already in. Stapled to it is the deed to forty acres. I growled putting them aside to see her letter under it.      -You're cute, kid. You have heart and I am in no way trying to undermine your abilities or potential. I didn't get to where I am to let you or anyone else take a single thing from me. With that being said, I think you have real potential for this. Your bother would die for you, Hunter. Do you know how special you need to be for someone to devote themselves to you that way? You shouldn't take him for granted.      I've taken the liberty to appoint you a place to set some roots. Not that it isn't yours already. You've fought and earned it. It's more official now. You can be an alpha, you can be a king. Something that means everything to those who willingly walk into fire for you.      Running around, taking what you want, is not what you or those who follow need right now. I am sure your brother has painted a colorful picture of what is happening. I don't say this to anyone. But I'm afraid. I'm scared of what these things are. It's easy to pick something we don't understand and classify them as a monster, but this is different.      These things, they don't have what we do. They can't reason. They are given orders and they followed them until their last breath. Now, I understand that I am your enemy at the moment. The one thing standing in the way of what you want.      I am still going to be standing here at the end of this, Kid. If you want to hash things out between us once this is over. I am more than willing to accept your well worded and nearly devoted love letter. I once wrote something similar to it for my mate. Before I knew he was mine. I am flattered.      My home is open to you and all of your men. You need to move away from the deep vegetation around you. My daughter, Astra. She was attacked by these things in school a few weeks ago. They can move the shadows. Their bite is infectious. I believe the bite triggered her powers prematurely. She died. Had my son not been present, she would be gone.      Rogue Creek is known for it's open space. If it comes to it and I pray that it doesn't. If there is an outbreak, I am certain I can push back. Keep as many of us alive as possible until we can find the source. They answer to someone. I have to find who that person is. My biggest fear right now is that the person controlling them knows that Astra survived the bite and that they will come for her. I'm not asking you to help me protect my daughter after what she did. I'm simply asking for a temporary seize fire.  My regards and respect. Scylla Malacoda.-     She had me at Astra was attacked two weeks ago and reasoning to not go to Rogue Creek as a potential ally left when she said Astra died.  ----- Scylla:      They came in through the Northern border. All of them. There are hundreds of Lycans. Killian and Lilith were at my side the instant they caught on to it. I put my hand up stopping them from getting worked up. Hunter is right upfront. Lycans are ugly, fleeting creatures. They get slightly bigger in their Lycan form. They look the way humans perceived werewolves. A wolfman. Not an animal but most certainly a beast caught in between.     "You know I'd take the alliance?" he asked powering down to his pretty face.     "I did," I nodded. "You will be taking North rank. All of these villas are available for you and your men. Each one houses eight. You are welcome to all of the amenities of Rogue Creek. With that being said, you did f**k up the university and a lot of my honor students are pissed that you trashed the school. So, tread lightly,"      "Will it help if I apologize?" Aeneas asked, coming up behind his brother. I laughed.      "It might. We are after all-forgiving. I hear the Rogue King loses his temper once in a while and eats the person f*****g with him. Rumors mostly," I winked.      "A vampire so much as bares their fangs at him and I will snap them like a f*****g glow stick," I growled.      "Right, so would I," Killian nodded. "We don't do that here. There are laws. I printed them out for you," he went over to him and handed Aeneas a paper bag. "Pass them around. The laws are absolute. While she has favorites, the Queen is a f*****g control freak. I've seen her eat whole fully grown men in her wolf form,"     "Shut up," I scolded him. "We want them to like us. Not have another excuse to fear us. We know the vampires are f****d then it comes to them,"      "Hey," Lilith smacked my arm. "That's not nice,"     "They are," I brushed her off. "Hunter. Aeneas. As soon as you two settle things, I'd like for you to join my family and me for dinner. I have a gift for you,"     "Another one?" Hunter scoffed.      "That was for them," I motioned the Lycans behind him. "This is for you two,"      "I have a condition," he called after me when we excused ourselves. I motioned Killian and Lilith to continue without me. I turned my attention to him.      "I'm listening,"      "I'd like a formal apology from your daughter," he stated. "She killed twelve of my men,"      "Twelve?" I smiled. Eighteen in total. "I apologize for that, Hunter. So will my mate. She won't. Astra, she's, how do I put this? A princess. You'd have to mean something to her to get a half-assed sorry from her. You're lucky if she gives you a smart ass remark,"     "Will she be at dinner?" Aeneas asked. He stepped forward. I really hope it's the little one with the loudmouth. Now that I have the boy in front of me. I see I should potentially regard him as a threat. I had it wrong, but there's no going back on my word now. This boy has seen things, boys, his age shouldn't ever be exposed to at such a young age.     "Yes, she will be arriving shortly,"     "She would have been safer there," Hunter called after me when I turned away.      "They're after her," I sighed. "She's safe with me and Alastair,"      As soon as we got back to the packhouse, I was informed that my dad, Alvah, and Nancy went to the airport to pick up Astra, Alastair, and Devina with a small army of guards. My dad's idea. I never thought Alvah would be the easy-going type but he and my dad are basically brothers now. They share weird inside jokes and do weird things together. It's unsettling sometimes.      "I thought you'd be happy to have dad and Astra back," Naloc sat down across from me in my study.      "I am," I assured him.       "Is it the Lycan's?" he asked. He's dressed comfortably. He went on his first run today after cutting his shifting time in half once again. I imagine he's in pain after feeding. The healing process for the strain we're putting on his body can be troublesome, but not as bad as the first time.      "No, it's not the Lycans. I invited them, remember?"      "You don't look well," he let out slowly as if he were afraid to bring something up.      "It's not because of anything anyone has done. I'm just worried, Naloc. For the first time in my life, I have no idea what comes next and I feel like maybe we're not prepared for what's coming. I have this ugly feeling inside of me. I don't know if you or the others are prepared for the kind of things we have to do in order to survive this,"      He looked down at his hands and nodded. He didn't ask anything else but he didn't get up to leave either and it's comforting. He began to do his homework. Naloc is just breezing through it like it's no challenge at all. Maybe he needs to work on more than just his physical abilities.      "Do you help Riley with her homework?" I asked.      "Yeah, she's more into the artsy stuff. Doesn't like paying attention to anything other than that," he smiled.      "Mom!" we both flinched at the sound of Astra's voice.      "Study," Naloc called out. She stormed in with a very angry expression on her face.      "What the actual f**k?" she bit out angrily.      "Good evening to you too," I greeted her. Alastair and my father are behind her with matching smug expressions.      "What is the Lycan doing here, mother?" she demanded. I looked over at Alastair who shrugged.      "She has to learn the hard way," he smirked.      "Scylla," my dad called out, but Alastair stopped him from saying anything else.      "I'm asking you a questi-"      She didn't get to finish her demand. I growled and with a few hastened steps in her direction, I had my hand on her shoulder. She tried to pull away, but I have her and she can't make a single move. I rarely use this on her because she usually never takes things too far. She knows how to work around everything but today, I'm not in the mood to indulge her rage. She didn't expect to be shut down. Her expression tells me that much right now.     "I'm only going to say this once, Astra. If you have to be reminded, your father will take my place. You are not going to talk to me like this. I do not need to explain myself to you in anything I do. You are not the adult here, I am. Now, why are you acting this way? Lie to me and there will be consequences,"      "I understand that you are the Queen, mother. I get that you feel like the world needs to bow to your every demand, but this is honestly none of your business," she gripped my wrist tightly, and when she saw she was nowhere near strong enough to remove my hand. She sighed and let go.      "Which one is he? Hunter or Aeneas?" I asked. She looked up at me meeting my gaze. "Make me ask again and you're not going to like the way it feels when I rip it out you, Astraleen. Answer me,"      "Hunter," she sighed. I let go when she pulled away without looking at me again.      "That is unfortunate," I mimicked her sigh. "I understand that you want to do this your own way and by all means play with the boy as you see fit. However, what is happening outside is not something we can handle on our own. You saw what they can do and what can potentially happen when the outbreak hits. If he and those other kids are caught out there alone, they will be massacred. Is that what you would prefer?"      "No," she whispered, backing away from me. The first time I used my alpha voice on Naloc, he almost s**t his pants. She not only stood her ground, she told me where to shove it.      "If you're done with your little rant. I'll have you know that I located his mother. She's here and the three of them will be joining us for dinner," I smiled at her, using a more approachable tone. "I'd like for you to inform this to the two boys. Can I trust you can handle it?"      "That depends. Is this an actual gift or leverage?" she asked.      "I'll leave that up to you to decide," I shrugged. "Welcome home, sweetheart,"      "Your sarcasm is flawless," she scoffed and walked away. Naloc looked back at me sympathetically before following behind her.      "Doesn't feel good, huh?" my dad asked.      "I don't know what you're talking about. I put her in her place," I shrugged him off.      "She gave more than she took and she had the last word," he smirked. "Told you where to shove your alpha demand,"      "Her eyes flared red, her skin got a little clammy, she trembled. It was cute. I'm really proud of her," I admitted.      "You're proud?" he asked.      "Yes, Astra is learning to stand up for her beliefs. How could I not be?"      "There's no winning with you. That's disobedience,"      "No, disobedience is when you asked me to stay inside during the day and I would sneak out. Disobedience is when I ask you to stop nagging me about the way I raise my children and you continue to scold me as if I were ten years old,"      "You are way too hard on them," he shook his head.     "I disagree,"      "You disagree?"     "Dad, just because you gave me everything I asked for doesn't mean that you weren't hard on me. I was locked in a two-s********m because you would rather me be hidden away than to try and help me be who I am," I shouted the last part a little too resentfully for my liking. "I treat them the way I wish I had been brought up as a child. They have the liberty to be who they want so as long as they don't overdo it. I'm not embarrassed by what or who they are. So, please just stop. I know what I am doing,"      "I didn't realize you felt that way," he lowered his gaze. "Excuse me,"      "Well," Alastair broke the silence. "I for one am excited to be back home,"      "Thank you," I grinned in his direction. I got up and went over to him, wrapping my arms around him tightly. "Welcome home,"
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