#Chapter 76 The Talk

1386 Words

“So, talk to me, dear,” Lana said with an encouraging smile. “Explain your feelings calmly,” Diana advised. “Don't let yourself feel so stressed out that you come across as snappish.” I didn’t have a choice. I had to say something and tell her how I felt. Maybe she would understand, but I wasn’t sure if she would have a solution to my problem. I was nervous and jumped in with both feet. “I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but I want to wear clothes that I choose and not what someone else thinks I should wear.” I looked out the car window and waited for Mrs. Klein to say something. But she just sat there as if waiting for me to speak again. “And I hate feeling like I’m always trying to project a certain image instead of being me,” I added. “Don’t you like the things I chose for you tod

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