#Chapter 68 Daisy’s Choice

1652 Words

After my discussion with Diana, I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. I woke up around noon feeling like I was making the right decision. I took a long shower to clear my mind and then took my time getting ready for my day. I would need all the confidence I could muster. I was putting my hair in a loose ponytail when I heard my cell phone ring. Victor’s name was on the caller ID screen. “Good morning, Daisy,” Victor said after I answered. His voice was light and teasing. “Or should I say good afternoon? I hope you slept well.” “I slept okay,” I said as I applied a little lip gloss. It was the one cosmetic I now used regularly. “I hope William didn’t keep you talking for very long last night. You looked tired when I left.” His super casual tone made me think he was fishing for answers.

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