#Chapter 136 Skunk at the Picnic

1599 Words

“You don’t know what Casey Long wants to tell you?” Victor asked as we rode in the Lamborghini to the Long’s home. “Only that it has something to do with someone trying to take the company away from me,” I replied. “Do you think her husband is in on it?” Victor turned into a cul-de-sac and parked on the far side of the circle. I shrugged. “I have no idea. I’ll find out when she tells me.” I climbed out of the car with my bag of marshmallows. “Why did you bring marshmallows?” Victor grinned. “Because they taste good,” I replied. “Want to try one?” Victor looked at the squishy white masses and shook his head. “You don’t know what you’re missing,” I giggled at the horrified expression on his face. We made our way around the back of Mitch and Casey’s house, where we heard the sounds of

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