#Chapter 179 Decisions and Discoveries

1626 Words

We arrived at the hospital safely and hurried inside. Taking the elevator to the fourth floor, I held Victor’s hand again as he rushed into Lana’s room. She was still alive, but she was still unconscious, and her vital signs were dropping. “They think she is bleeding somewhere inside her abdomen,” Harry said. “They want to operate to stop it.” Harry collapsed into Victor’s arms. “I don’t know what to do, Victor. Help me decide what is best for my darling Lana.” “I want to speak to the doctor,” Victor said as he held his father in his arms. “I’ll get him,” I said and hurried into the hallway and to the nurse's station. “Lana Klein’s son wishes to speak to her doctor right away,” I told a young nurse. “I’ll page him immediately and send him to her room,” she offered. The doctor respo

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