#Chapter 21 Bella’s Revenge

1364 Words

My heart was pounding, but I tried not to show how terrified I was. Bella is a bully, and showing fear would only make her bolder. If I remained calm, maybe she would tire of trying to torment me and go away. But Bella was on a mission. “Look at you. You are such an unbelievable dork,” Bella said with another laugh. “Only you would wear a freaking wetsuit to a pool party. Does it hurt to be this stupid?” “Pluh … please, jus … just lah … leave me alone,” I stammered. “I … I didn’t do … do any … anything to you.” I tried to walk away, but she grabbed my arm and spun me around. “You didn’t do anything to me!” Bella repeated. She positioned herself, nose to nose, in front of me. Smelling a strong drink on her breath, I looked down at the ground. The hate in her eyes was terrifying. “Beca

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