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The whole scenery was like something out of a medieval story, the houses we passed were log cabins, almost all were in decent shape, some were half finished, maybe for new families looking for a good home to settle in, or for bachelor's hoping to make a home someday, my thoughts were spirallng and consumed with drifty imaginations of wolf men and women, singing and chanting in front of a huge bonfire, it helped to take my mind off the fact that we were going deeper into the community, I imagined that, that was what it was, a community right?, or perhaps as Hollywood portrayed them - a pack of wolves. I shake my head in amusement and wonder if the drugs hadn't cleared my system yet. I blame the drugs for my bizarre thoughts. Suddenly I'm chuckling from fear and self pity and it startles the wolf holding me. He jerks my arm hard enough to bruise, the pain from my battered body is excruciating but I grit my teeth and not make a sound. That seems to anger the wolf, who was expecting a cry of pain from me. He jerks my arm harder and I cry out, he smiles in satisfaction but it's short lived when the stern faced she wolf hisses at him and he loses his smile and drops his gaze to the floor. As we moved, the doors of the log cabins began to open and men, women and children began to stream out, the women and children stared from their porch. Some men came close enough to the road that only a hairsbreadth distance separated us from their touch, I looked over at jack, she was so terrified, her teeth were chattering uncontrollably that I could hear it, the skin on her arm was reddened from the tight grip of the man holding her, I imagined I didn't fare any better, considering how rough the wolf men were. As we move, a decent crowd begin to gather at the end of the street, the stern faced female wolf is snaring and baring her teeth at them as we approach, this seems to frighten them, as they bare their throats in submission. Most of the women,begin to cower and whimper and the sound fills the entire space, I shiver in revulsion, the sounds they are making are jarring to the ears, so pitiful that it reminded me of the time in high school when I was fifteen. I had visited a dude ranch because aunty had wanted me to have fun, so she had gotten me tickets to visit the Whiteback ranch in Colorado. The whole experience had been somewhat educating, if not fun, I had witnessed a horse giving birth, the blood, gore and mucus present that day had changed my entire perspective on birth, it had been terrifying, especially when the leg of the foal had come out first, the sounds of distress the mother horse had been making that day, stuck with me for a long time, those were the exact sounds the wolf women were making, pitying sounds as if they were in distress.They were as terrified as we were. I wondered why there were so scared of her, what made her special? How was she so frightening to them? As we near the crowd, her snarls become more and more pronounced, and the more pronounced, the more the men, stretched their necks and the women wailed louder. The sound was grating to the ear, I look at jack, and her expression is one of pain, disgust and fear. We reach the crowd, and they part to form some kind of gauntlet. But the stern faced she wolf, stops and addresses the pack, a snarl still dangling at the corner of her lips. I am surprised at myself, I think I'm still in shock, because why else would I be okay with what was happening enought to call this people a pack. " Every lunar Eli's, humans are brought into the pack, and they can someday be integrated into the pack if they survive the period of transition" as she spoke, she looked at me and her smile was so feral I quickly dropped my gaze. I thought her assessment of the situation was flawed, why would a human want to be integrated into a wolf clan, willing or otherwise. Not to mention the fact that those same humans were kidnapped. "Alpha, the human women, are they spoken for?" A rough gravelly voice asked, it belonged to a redhead who looked like a lumberjack. So she was the alpha? No wonder she carried herself with so much authority, no wonder they were frightened of her. I suddenly realised that my life and jack's were in her hands. She could end our lives with the snap of her fingers. Maybe I could get close to her, close enough to make her like me enough to set me free someday, I couldn't wait to explore that realm of possibility, but my disillusionment came quicker than expected when I looked at her face, her eyes were so cold when they met mine that I quickly abandoned the idea of getting my freedom through her. " The humans belong to the pack, they are here to serve, you may use them but do not break them. If you do, the punishment will be swift and merciless" the alpha's voice rang out, strong as steel, i could feel goosebumps on my skin. What did she mean when she said we could be used but not broken? Everything was quickly turning for the worse. Jack's lips were trembling, we stared at each other and I shook my head slowly, trying to communicate to her not to cry, crying was going to make everything worse, and the state the wolves were, I feared that seeing a human cry was going to give them maximum pleasure. They seemed to hate humans, I wonder why? What had humans done to them? Why e*****e us? Sudden chatter filled the area, everyone talking at the same time, when the crowd parted, at the end of the street stood a gigantic log cabin, it was so big and wide. It took center stage It was rustic and beautiful. I liked it. How could a pack so terrible and cruel own something so magnetic and beautiful. It was so unfair. When I was little, I had imagined my prince charming, rescuing me from an ugly castle and taking me to a big beautiful log cabin like this. This was my silver lining. This beautiful and sturdy house that didn't belong here amongst this pack of wolves. We move closer to the house, the crowd moving with us but far enough away not to touch, I think the presence of the alpha was a huge deterrent not to touch jack and I,most were so curious, I could tell from their fidgeting and jitterery behaviours. There was so much curiosity in the eyes of not just the men and women but the children too. The cabin has a wide wraparound porch, the flooring was solid, my imagination always ran with itself and this time was no different, I imagined early mornings, sitting out on this porch, with a steaming mug of coffee, cuddling with my prince charming, watching the sunset together, my eyes teared immediately, that dream would never happen, I was a slave now or whatever the wolves wanted me to be. The big brown ornate doors are thrown open by a young wolf a bit younger than me. Between the age of seventeen or younger. He's tall and lanky, with a mop of curly brown hair that's full and lustrous, it was rare to see such nice and beautiful hair on a man. His features were quite pretty, his nose was straight, thin and a little upturned at the sides,his eyes were deep set and as grey as a cloudless sky, he had high cheekbones that were sharp, his lips were plump and full, the lower lip a little thinner than his upper lip, overall, his features blended to give him a very charming appearance. I stared intently, and suddenly he smiled wide, revealing teeth that were white and straight except for a few that were a little crooked, it added to his appeal. He was going to grow up to be a very fine specimen of a man. As I stared, my arm was jerked hard and I was dragged inside and the doors banged closed.
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