1093 Words

LEAH His eyes were grey and very cold, they were eyes that could send chills down a person's soul. He barely smiled, I had never met a more sad man, but he hid it well, with his fierce temper and instant growling. He acted tough and cruel, but sometimes he slipped, and a little ray of kindness sipped through. Nero Keres was magnetic, and terrifying at the same time. Men like that could come into your life and destroy your carefully laid defenses. Although he came off as brutish as his mother, he did not seem cruel. The day Nero had arrived on pack grounds, they had been no sign of warning from him, he had swooped in to Melissa's cottage with not so much as a by your leave, and taken me. In all my years of unrealistic imaginings, I had never dreamed of such a dark prince charming, exc

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