8 MONTHS LATERWe’ve found a new home just outside Cazenovia, right off the lake. It’s an old five-bedroom Victorian with a carriage house out back on five acres of waterfront property. Monie and I have discussed my mom moving into the carriage house. She’s getting on in years, and the house in the Valley is getting to be a bit much for her maintenance-wise. That, and going up and down stairs is becoming more and more of an issue for her. It’d be an excellent place for her once we get it rehabbed. All in all, the main house is in good shape, but it could use a fresh coat of paint on the exterior along with window replacements, interior work, and according to Monie, kitchen updates. I stay out of Monie’s way on that—my sixty-year-old brain knows it’s to my body’s benefit. Keep the peace and