Fucker - 15

2443 Words
Berakhirnya pertandingan keempat telah menandakan bahwa pertandingan kelima dan juga yang merupakan pertandingan terakhir di babak pertama ini, akan segera dimulai. Itu artinya, Nico Walcott dan Naomi Habibah Qolby, secara resmi mendapatkan giliran untuk beraksi dan bertarung melawan mentornya sendiri, yaitu Paul Cozelario. Keadaan di arena langsung riuh saat peserta-peserta dari pertandingan sebelumnya telah lenyap dari lapangan, para penonton tampak tidak sabar lagi ingin melihat bagaimana rupa dari para pahlawan yang akan mengisi pertandingan terakhir ini. Masing-masing dari penonton banyak yang memulai taruhannya, ada yang bertaruh bahwa pertandingan berikutnya akan dimenangkan oleh Paul Cozelario, dan yang lainnya bertaruh bahwa sudah pasti yang bakal memenangkan pertandingan akan sama seperti sebelum-sebelumnya, yaitu kandidat para pahlawan. Namun, di atas itu semua, ada beberapa penonton yang tampak tidak mempedulikan siapa yang menang dan yang kalah dalam sebuah pertandingan, dan itu berasal dari kelompok-kelompok pahlawan negara maju, yakni Marigold dan Megasta. Kelompoknya Gissel yang dibimbing oleh Lolita dan kelompoknya Leo yang dibimbing oleh Vardigos, terlihat tidak begitu mempedulikan hasil dari setiap pertandingan, mereka datang kemari bukan untuk sekedar mencari hiburan atau menyoraki kemenangan jagoannya masing-masing, melainkan untuk melihat seberapa jauh para pahlawan Madelta berkembang. Ya, hanya itu yang ada di pikiran mereka, sama sekali bukanlah hal yang aneh, mengingat setiap kelompok pahlawan dari berbagai negara memang selalu bersaing satu sama lain demi mendapatkan gelar terkuat di antara yang lainnya. “Kira-kira apa yang membuat Paul selalu kalah dalam pertandingan? Aku merasa dia adalah orang yang tidak mudah untuk dikalahkan, apalagi dia memiliki ambisi dan amarah yang sangat mengerikan. Aneh sekali rasanya melihat Paul sudah empat kali kalah dalam setiap pertarungan.” ujar Gissel saat dirinya melamun di bangkunya, tampak menghela napas dan memasang wajah bosan. Lolita, sebagai pelayan pendampingnya, yang duduk di sampingnya, mendengar jelas ucapan yang terlontar dari mulut Gissel, begitu juga dengan pahlawan-pahlawannya. Mereka semua secara refleks menoleh pada Gissel dan ikut merenungkan hal itu. Sebetulnya apa yang dikatakan oleh Gissel memang ada benarnya, sangat mustahil orang keras kepala dan pemarah seperti Paul Cozelario bisa kalah bertubi-tubi oleh pahlawan-pahlawannya, padahal sebelumnya, saat mereka menghadapi orang itu di ruangan penuh bunga, Paul sangat sadis dan kejam, bahkan tidak segan-segan untuk membunuh seseorang. Dan fakta itu sudah bisa memperjelas bahwa Paul adalah tipikal orang yang tidak suka dengan sebuah kekalahan. Tapi, mengapa di setiap pertandingan di babak pertama, Paul seolah-olah selalu kalah dan kalah, tanpa sedikit pun punya ambisi untuk memenangkan sebuah pertarungan. Memang benar, saat melawan pahlawan-pahlawannya, Paul masih menampilkan aura mengerikannya, kekejamnnya dan kesadisannya masih ditunjukkan dengan jelas, tapi anehnya ada yang berbeda. Ada sedikit kelunakan didiri Paul saat orang itu bertarung melawan pahlawan-pahlawan bimbingannya sendiri, seakan-akan dia berusaha untuk kalah secara alami agar dapat mendukung kemenangan mutlak dari murid-muridnya. Dan itu sangat-sangat-sangat mengganggu konsentrasi Gissel. Tentu saja, bukan hanya Gissel yang berpikiran demikian, Leo pun tidak jauh berbeda dengan si gadis keriting. Leo mengira kalau semua pertandingan yang disajikan kepada penonton hanyalah omong kosong belaka, mereka semua telah ditipu oleh tingkah Paul yang seolah-olah kejam di awal tapi melemahkan diri di akhir, dan akhirnya selalu kalah di setiap pertandingan. Itu tidak bisa dimaafkan, tidak seharusnya seorang mentor melakukan hal semenjijikan itu saat pertandingan berlangsung. Setiap orang yang duduk dan menyaksikkan pertandingan, ingin menikmati pertarungan yang jujur dan adil, tidak ada sedikit pun kebohongan atau kepura-puraan dalam sebuah pertarungan. “Membosankan sekali,” kata Leo dengan menguap lebar di bangkunya, lelaki berambut cokelat pendek itu terlihat tidak lagi bersemangat dalam menonton pertandingan selanjutnya, dia sudah tidak tertarik untuk melihatnya lagi. Mendengar itu, Vardigos melirik sejenak ke arah Leo, merasa ada yang janggal dari perkataan anak itu, begitu juga dengan pahlawan-pahlawan bimbingannya yang ikut mengernyitkan alisnya, menganggap kalau sikap Sang Mentor tidak seperti biasanya. Biasanya Leo sangat tidak sabar untuk melihat bagaimana pertandingan berikutnya berlangsung, karena dengan itu, dia bisa melihat kelebihan dan kekurangan dari tiap peserta yang sedang bertanding, tapi anehnya, sekarang Leo tidak menunjukan ketertarikannya lagi, membuat orang-orang yang duduk di sekitarnya, merasa bingung dan keheranan. Namun, meskipun Gissel dan Leo tampak tidak lagi tertarik untuk menonton dan menyaksikan pertandingan, seluruh penonton selain kelompok mereka, sangat-sangat-sangat bersemangat dalam menunggu pertandingan berikutnya dimulai. Semuanya bersorak-sorai, begitu heboh, semarak keriuhan dan kegaduhan di segala penjuru sungguh memekakan telinga. Roswel yang berdiri di tiang tempat pembawa acara berdiri, hanya tersenyum simpul mengamati keramaian tersebut. Itu membuat Roswel senang, karena artinya, para penonton tidak bosan dan jenuh pada setiap pertandingan, mereka berpikir akan terjadi sesuatu yang mengejutkan lainnya di pertandingan berikutnya, mengingat setiap pertandingan selalu menyuguhkan kejutan-kejutan yang tidak terduga. Itu memang luar biasa, begitulah Roswel menilai anak-anak didiknya yang sudah berkembang pesat dari dirinya pertama kali bertemu dengan Paul dan pahlawan-pahlawannya. Mereka sekarang sudah berubah dan tumbuh, tidak lagi seperti dulu yang selalu membutuhkan bantuan dan perlindungan dirinya jika dihadapi oleh masalah yang pelik dan rumit. Bahkan Roswel sudah jarang memberikan bantuan sejak Paul pertama kalinya berkunjung ke Kota Luna, yang merupakan kota tempat Isabella Melvana tinggal, ke Kota Barasta, tempat tinggal Lizzie Mazilda, dan juga Kota Geranium, tempat tinggal Victor Osvaldo. Sejak Sang Mentor mengunjungi tiga kota tersebut, Roswel sudah jarang muncul dan memberikan bantuan pada Paul dalam menyelesaikan sebuah masalah. Malah, Roswel membiarkan Paul sendiri lah yang menghadapi dan menyelesaikan masalahnya sendiri di tiga kota itu, agar Sang Mentor bisa berkembang menjadi lebih kuat, dan prediksinya ternyata benar. Semenjak Roswel memutuskan untuk tidak lagi membantu Paul, dia bisa melihat kalau anak itu perlahan-lahan sudah bisa menghadapi segala masalah dengan tangguh dan berani, hanya bermodalkan otak dan kenekatan, dia bisa menghancurkan setiap dinding yang menghalangi jalannya. Sangat luar biasa, jika memang seperti itu, seharusnya Roswel melakukan hal semacam itu sejak dulu, tapi itu tidak apa-apa, lagi pula, dulu Paul memang masih polos dan belum mengerti apa dan kenapa sebuah masalah bisa terjadi, juga tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah dengan keberaniannya sendiri. Tapi beruntung anak itu kini sudah tumbuh dewasa, sudah tidak lagi membutuhkan bantuan siapa pun untuk menyelamatkan dirinya sendiri dari berbagai masalah yang rumit. Tidak ada lagi yang bisa dipikirkan Roswel selain ‘luar biasa’, karena Paul memang seluar biasa itu. Setelah lama melamun, akhirnya Roswel menyadarkan dirinya dan mulai berdehem-dehem, untuk memulai pertandingan kelima, yang akan diisi oleh Nico dan Naomi melawan Paul. SELANJUTNYA VERSI BAHASA INGGRIS! Terima kasih sudah membaca dan sampai jumpa di bab berikutnya!------------ The end of the fourth match had signaled that the fifth match and also the last match in this first round, would start soon. That means, Nico Walcott and Naomi Habibah Qolby, officially get their turn to act and fight against their own mentor, namely Paul Cozelario. The situation in the arena immediately became boisterous when the participants from the previous match had disappeared from the field, the audience seemed impatient to see how the heroes who will fill this final match look like. Each of the spectators started their bets, some bet that the next match would be won by Paul Cozelario, and others bet that it was certain that the one who would win the match would be the same as ever, the hero candidates. However, above all, there were some onlookers who seemed indifferent to who won and who lost a match, and it was from the hero groups of developed countries, namely the Marigold and the Megasta. Gissel's group, which is guided by Lolita and Leo, who is mentored by Vardigos, doesn't seem to care much about the outcome of each match, they come here not just to look for entertainment or to cheer for their respective heroes' victories, but to see how far Madelta's heroes have come. Yes, that's all they have in mind, it's not something strange at all, considering that every group of heroes from various countries is always competing with each other for the title of the strongest among the others. “What do you think Paul always loses in matches? I feel that he is a person who is not easy to beat, moreover, he has very terrible ambition and anger. It's weird to see Paul have lost four times in every fight. " Gissel said as she daydreamed on her bench, seemingly sighing and putting on a bored face. Lolita, as her companion servant, who sat beside her, heard clearly the words that came out of Gissel's mouth, as well as her heroes. They all reflexively turned to Gissel and joined in pondering it. Actually what Gissel said was true, it is very unlikely that a stubborn and angry person like Paul Cozelario could be defeated repeatedly by his heroes, even though before, when they faced that person in a room full of flowers, Paul was very sadistic and cruel, even don't hesitate to kill someone. And that fact can already make it clear that Paul is a typical person who doesn't like to lose. But, why is it that in every match in the first half, Paul seems to always lose and lose, without the slightest ambition to win a fight. It is true, when fighting his heroes, Paul still displays his terrible aura, his cruelty and sadism are still clearly shown, but strangely something is different. There was a little softness in Paul when the man fought the heroes of his own guidance, as if he was trying to lose naturally in order to support the absolute victory of his students. And it really, really, really annoyed Gissel's concentration. Of course, it wasn't just Gissel who thought that, but Leo wasn't that different from the curly girl. Leo thought that all the matches that were presented to the audience were just nonsense, they had all been deceived by Paul's behavior that seemed cruel at the beginning but weakened himself at the end, and ended up losing every game. It is unforgivable, no mentor should do something that gross during a match. Everyone who sits down and watches the match, wants to enjoy a fair and square fight, not the slightest bit of lies or pretense in a fight. "How boring," Leo said with a big yawn on the bench, the short brown haired man looked no longer excited to watch the next match, he was not interested in seeing him anymore. Hearing that, Vardigos glanced for a moment at Leo, feeling that there was something odd about the boy's words, as well as the heroes of his guidance who also frowned, assuming that the Mentor's attitude was unusual. Usually Leo is very impatient to see how the next match goes, because with that, he can see the strengths and weaknesses of each participant who is competing, but strangely, now Leo doesn't show his interest anymore, making people sitting around him feel confused. and amazement. However, even though Gissel and Leo seemed no longer interested in watching and watching the match, the entire audience apart from their group, was very sad MINERVO 248: Excellent The end of the fourth match had signaled that the fifth match and also the last match in this first round, would start soon. That means, Nico Walcott and Naomi Habibah Qolby, officially get their turn to act and fight against their own mentor, namely Paul Cozelario. The situation in the arena immediately became boisterous when the participants from the previous match had disappeared from the field, the audience seemed impatient to see how the heroes who will fill this final match look like. Each of the spectators started their bets, some bet that the next match would be won by Paul Cozelario, and others bet that it was certain that the one who would win the match would be the same as ever, the hero candidates. However, above all, there were some onlookers who seemed indifferent to who won and who lost a match, and it was from the hero groups of developed countries, namely the Marigold and the Megasta. Gissel's group, which is guided by Lolita and Leo, who is mentored by Vardigos, doesn't seem to care much about the outcome of each match, they come here not just to look for entertainment or to cheer for their respective heroes' victories, but to see how far Madelta's heroes have come. Yes, that's all they have in mind, it's not something strange at all, considering that every group of heroes from various countries is always competing with each other for the title of the strongest among the others. “What do you think Paul always loses in matches? I feel that he is a person who is not easy to beat, moreover, he has very terrible ambition and anger. It's weird to see Paul have lost four times in every fight. " Lolita said as she daydreamed on her bench, seemingly sighing and putting on a bored face. Lolita, as her companion servant, who sat beside her, heard clearly the words that came out of Gissel's mouth, as well as her heroes. They all reflexively turned to Gissel and joined in pondering it. Actually what Gissel said was true, it is very unlikely that a stubborn and angry person like Paul Cozelario could be defeated repeatedly by his heroes, even though before, when they faced that person in a room full of flowers, Paul was very sadistic and cruel, even don't hesitate to kill someone. And that fact can already make it clear that Paul is a typical person who doesn't like to lose. But, why is it that in every match in the first half, Paul seems to always lose and lose, without the slightest ambition to win a fight. It is true, when fighting his heroes, Paul still displays his terrible aura, his cruelty and sadism are still clearly shown, but strangely something is different. There was a little softness in Paul when the man fought the heroes of his own guidance, as if he was trying to lose naturally in order to support the absolute victory of his students. And it really, really, really annoyed Gissel's concentration. Of course, it wasn't just Gissel who thought that, but Leo wasn't that different from the curly girl. Leo thought that all the matches that were presented to the audience were just nonsense, they had all been deceived by Paul's behavior that seemed cruel at the beginning but weakened himself at the end, and ended up losing every game. It is unforgivable, no mentor should do something that gross during a match. Everyone who sits down and watches the match, wants to enjoy a fair and square fight, not the slightest bit of lies or pretense in a fight. "How boring," Leo said with a big yawn on the bench, the short brown haired man looked no longer excited to watch the next match, he was not interested in seeing him anymore. Hearing that, Vardigos glanced for a moment at Leo, feeling that
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