Thirty-eight: The lady in a thousand years old prophecy

784 Words

(Picture available on w*****d) Gulong Wang (Gang Dong-won) In the Netherrealm, an ancient prophecy had suddenly appeared a few weeks ago, a huge ice block suddenly re-surfaced in the middle of mystical Yiwang River. On the huge block of ice there carved a prophecy, "She will be reborn. A phoenix with ancient fire and ice raging inside her. Fire in her body, ice in her heart. Control the ice, she will prevail, the world will be saved. Consume by ice, she will be the cause catastrophic destruction." When the elders read this prophecy on the block of ice, they immediately use the Demon Orb to ask about the prophecy and from the orb, they saw a small girl wearing a golden mask on her face. She is the crown princess of the Kingdom of Long. There is still no sign of her awakening yet. But,

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