Sixteen: The force of fire and ice

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(Picture available in w*****d) Lady Meili (Guan Xiaotong) She noticed his stare when she was gently stroking her stomach. It shook her to the core hence the slight tremors on her hands. Even after all those sufferings that she had faced because of him, he still greatly affects her. In her past life, she had done everything for him, she even let him use her loyal servants for his dangerous missions. In the end, one by one, her people died and left her all alone. That sad past life of hers will never again be repeated in this lifetime. This lifetime, she will ensure that her family will be saved. Her loyal servants will be protected, the Ghost Sect will be a place for those who are loyal to her to gain more influence in the martial arts world, they will earn their own name and respect. She wanted them to soar and fly without being restricted because of their commoner status. Her people will be someone to be acknowledged by all in the 3 Kingdoms. With that thought, she looks at the man who had caused her death in her other lifetime and smile at him. A smile that did not even reaches her eyes, her eyes are empty. There is a sudden cold feeling in her heart, as her original body is forever buried underneath the icy river for eternity, there are times that her current body feels sudden freezing cold sensation. Her natural attribute is mainly fire but, these days, her dantian1 is no longer fills with warm qi2 but, gradually, it has slowly intertwined with cold qi as well. The warm and cold flows of energy are flowing inside her, for weeks after she had woken from her coma, she had cultivated so that she can keep her qi under control. A combination of opposing qi is said to be very powerful and without proper cultivation and control, she will die. The reason why she asked to live outside the imperial palace for 5 years is not only for her marriage to be postponed but, she needs to ensure that Ghost Sect will thrive enormously as a force to be reckoned with by the whole world and, she needs to also focus on her cultivation and to ensure that the General and his people can never succeed in their ambitious mission to overthrow the Long Dynasty in this lifetime. (Picture available in w*****d) Stages of cultivation in the 3 Kingdoms She is now on the "Third (early) Stage: High". In her past lifetime, the General is on "Fifth (final) Stage: Martial King". As she never really concentrated on cultivating in her past lifetime, she never went above her current level. Too bad she was focusing on doing mindless thing. Thinking that her purpose in life is wholly for the General. She is so desperate to gain his love but that turned out to be the biggest mistake in her life. "We shall leave the men to enjoy themselves. How about us, the women, go to the Peach Blossoms Yard?" The Empress stands up and proceeded to walk to the intended destination with the rest of the women to follow suit. Xiao Yu, being a eunuch, decided to wait at the waiting hall and attend to the Emperor, Crown Prince, Prime Minister and General Bing Xiaji's needs. His real motive is to be the eyes and ears of his mistress while she is not there. With that, he stays there, standing in complete silence. *** 1. ** Point two inches below the navel where one’s qi resides 2. * Vital energy
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