Eighteen: Rivals in love?

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(Picture available on w*****d) Sovereign Princess Long Yinyue (Janice Wu Qian) The Emperor instructed for the dead bodies of the assassins to be taken away. The injured ones will be locked in prison and be given medical attention instead. Huli and Eunuch Xiao Yu pay their respect to the Emperor and the Empress and ask for their permission to medically treat those injured attackers. The Emperor knows that Huli despite her young age is a renowned godly doctor and quite capable in martial arts as well, together with Eunuch Xiao Yu, nothing bad will happen to them. Those injured attackers are experts after all. He allowed them to do according to the request. The Emperor gently stroke the Empress cheek, the Empress smile and softly hold onto his hand before gently squeezing it. Imperial Noble Consort Mei and Princess Long Hua walk towards them in a hurry to check on the royal couple. The Crown Prince walk towards his betrothed, once he has arrived at his intended destination, he hugs her. Lady Mudan is surprised by his sudden action but she returns his hug as well. The Empress saw this, and she winks at Imperial Noble Consort Mei while the Emperor heartily laughs upon seeing his son being such a helpless romantic. Princess Long Hua stares with her large round eyes and gaping mouth. The Duchess and Lady Meili are clearly shaken by what had just happened, the Prime Minister went to where they are standing to calm both, he pats Lady Meili's head before he lovingly hugs his wife. The General still stands facing the Crown Princess, neither say or did anything, they just stare at each other for a couple of minutes while everyone else around them is noticing their odd behaviour. They then amusingly watch the new pair of engaged couple. They did not realize that suddenly there is a man in black stands next to the Crown Princess and stares intently at the General before nodding at him. Crown Princess Long Fenghuang smiles and says, "Captain Ying1, it has been a while..." That man in black smiles and bow his head at the Crown Princess, "Do forgive this servant for being late, Your Royal Highness. Rest assured that all the assassins have been taken care. This servant will find out who is responsible for this attack." Her expression brightens as she smiles towards the man, "I am sure that you will do as you have just said, Captain. In the time being, please do assist Huli and Xiao Yu in their current task." With her words, he bowed and disappeared from the Peach Blossoms Yard. The General, upon seeing the interaction between that man and his fiancée, clenched his fist. That man in black is obviously in love with the Crown Princess and the infamous imperial guard who always guards her for years now. When the man stares at him, there is a challenging glint in his arrogant eyes. Just a mere Captain but dares to covet what belongs to him, the General. Congming is standing near the Crown Princess, checking on the Crown Princess thoroughly and only stop once she is satisfied that nothing is wrong with her. She glances at the General for a moment before bowing her head down with a mocking smile plastered on her face. She murmurs in a low voice, "Branding others as arrogant while being one himself..." Crown Princess Long Fenghuang heard every word that Congming had just said. What is this feeling that is slowly overwhelming her heart??? Yes, satisfaction. Seems like the General is jealous of Captain Ying. Well... Well... Well... This is different. In the other lifetime, the General only met the Captain once the uprising had taken place. The Captain lost his life to protect her and her unborn child. That poor man was in love with her, but he rather be by her side for the sole reason to protect her. But foolish her, on the other hand, selfishly ordered that man to assist her husband in every way that he could. He foolishly followed her every order to his death. She closes her eyes for a few moments to calm herself down. Never again she thought. No one will senselessly die in this lifetime (without her consent that is). She suddenly claps her hands and says, "It seems that everything is under control now. Shall we proceed with the banquet then?" General Bing Xiaji amusingly watch her every move. This Crown Princess has given him a surprise after another surprise. Not that he hated it of course. Instead, he is anticipating every second of it. He thought that she is a bratty princess, but she had proven him wrong. He slowly walks up towards her and she seems to have frozen upon seeing him walking towards her. He gently takes her cold hand into his hand, "Let us continue with the banquet then. This General cannot wait to see what Her Royal Highness has prepared for her honoured guests." Her maids are glaring at him and, the older maid seems to be sending a telepathic signal for him to let go of her mistress's hand. He ignored it of course. He slowly pulls the CrownPrincess to his side and they both walk slowly towards the banquet hall. The Emperor and his 2 consorts' glance to one another and all three of them smiles, it seems that the General is smitten with the older princess. The Crown Prince, on the other hand, looks somewhat jealous much to the amusement of his betrothed, Lady Mudan. The Prime Minister and his wife smile too but when they look at their adopted daughter, their smiles lessen. Lady Meili is looking at somewhere else, the place that she is looking is the place where she last saw the man in black stands earlier. Her young heart trembles in delights. That man with a kind smile on his handsome face made her feels that way. She painfully admits to herself that she has indeed fallen in love with the man she has just fleetingly seen from afar. She is a bit disappointed though because that man pair of eyes is only following the silhouette of the Crown Princess just now. At that very moment, there is a tug on her heart, a painful tug of rejection. Seems like his heart already belongs to another. Lady Meili can bow her head down and walk behind her adopted parents. *** 1. * Outstanding
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