Chapter 9:Mia's pov

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“Look at you! Useless! I don't know why your father had to leave me here all alone with you to take care of.” “Daddy said he would be back soon.” “Urggh, I simply hate this! Why did he leave his child with me?!” My mother chastised me. I looked at her eyes—filled with hatred. “Get out of my sight!” “Mama— “Get out Mia!” Maybe she didn't mean all she said to me. Maybe she was angry, Dad must have made her angry. I'm sure he did. “Are you deaf? Get out!” she screamed at me again. I stuck my fingers in my mouth, chewing on them—a habit I found myself doing when I was hurt or nervous. ….I woke up from the dream, my t-shirt soaked with my sweat. It was another nightmare again. I called it a nightmare because it was the worst day of my life. The worst days were with my mother. My mother treated me like I wasn't okay. I was okay. I know I was. I just need to forget about everything, it's so hard when your past is your everyday nightmare. I got up when my eyes met the beautiful box on my right-hand side. I open it and see a beautiful white new-length stoned dress. The type the classy and aristocrats wear to their dinners. The little note at the edge of the gown read: I promised to treat you. Get dressed and be ready by 8. It had to be Dario. The gentleness of this man. The dress would suit my body perfectly. ****** The car arrived by 8 sharp. The dress was the perfect size. I was a size 8 and it was the perfect fit. I walked down the stairs, I wasn't too used to heels so wearing them was a nightmare. I couldn't count the number of times I wished my angels didn't twist. And there he was, Dario, I looked up and studied his appearance again. Dark hair, but not completely dark. The streaks of a darker shade ran through the strands. His eyes looked cool and glorious and he looked beautiful in his black suit—not buttoned all the way up getting a glimpse of what looked like a tattoo on his chest. I cough trying to make the atmosphere better from his stares. “Next time I'm getting you the whole store.” was all he said as he ushered me into the car. See—that's a real gentleman. The drive was quiet. His hands were placed on his lap—his legs apart from the other. I shift in my seat and cross my legs, sitting upright. I was nervous about tonight. “You're quiet tonight.” He said “I'm always quiet,” I answered “Not this quiet, I was expecting a question from you.” “No questions tonight.” “I disagree.” He said “I'm not asking anything, Dario.” “You are never this quiet.” He turns his face, looking at me. “I want to be Dario.” I looked the other way, avoiding his eyes. I was nervous and he was already noticing that. “You're nervous.” He figured “I'm not.” “You are.” “I said I'm not Dario— “You shouldn't be. I'm not going to eat you…yet.” My insides… “Stop putting words in my mouth.” “Princess, I want to put more than words in your mouth. But I want you sobbing for it.” My mouth pops open, barely keeping the ‘oh’ falling out from it. The chauffeur was just in front and we were here, in the middle of… He tilts his head, studying me for the fourth time tonight. His gaze slid down to my swollen cleavage. “We are not alone.” “Meaning?” “Meaning we shouldn't do anything funny.” “Like what?” He shifted, facing me directly. His hands were on his cheeks with his wide smile, like a little girl that got candy. “Is it hot in here?” I asked. I know I'm feeling it hot all over, most especially, down there. “Do you feel hot Mia?” He asked. His pupils getting darker. “I… “Boss we are here.” the chauffeur said helping me escape from the interrogation. The restaurant was empty but it was open. The classy decors lit the place. It was beautiful. “Is it empty?” I asked him when he opened the car door for me. “I booked it for tonight.” He holds my hand, walking me into the restaurant. After 45 minutes of choosing from the list of cuisines I finally made a choice. I felt my tummy flip back. It had to be what I was thinking. I squeezed my face, it was evident I hated the way I was feeling. The dress was soaked in blood and it had to be f***king white. Dario noticed soon enough but I was struggling with telling him about just getting my period or the fact that I was soaked and I was embarrassed already. “What's wrong?” He asked “I… “Mia.” “I got it.” “Got what?” He looked puzzled. “I got—the thing.” his face still looked at me like I came out of a toy store. I'm so f**king was embarrassed. What am I going to do?!!
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