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POV: Heather I know Brian hates me, but he wouldn’t have been this mean to me if it wasn’t for Mira, his chosen mate. She made sure I knew my place in the pack and she did everything possible to frustrate my efforts and have me punished by him or his cranky mum, our Luna. They never failed to remind me that I’m just an orphan that is lucky to be alive and protected. And as if being a wolfless orphan is not enough, my Foster mom is the Alpha’s mistress and that alone made me Brians worst enemy because he detests my foster mom, and that hatred he has for her was automatically transferred to me the moment Marietta spoke up for me and took me in as her adopted daughter. These are enough reasons for him to detest me, but deep down in my heart, I know that that is not the only reason for his deep hatred for me. I know he hates me this much because he feels that unexplainable electricity that pulls him towards me. He can not explain the source of that feeling, and he hates the fact that his heart keeps warming up for me. So he resorted to hating me even more and punishing me for a bond I did not create. I first felt it on his 16th birthday two years ago. I shifted on my 14th birthday, and I’ve been hiding my wolf since then which is making her weaker by the day. But that not withstanding, I still felt out bond that night, I felt Aurora struggling to break free and acknowledge the bond and claim her mate. But I couldn’t do that because Brian did not acknowledge our bond, as a matter of fact, he engaged his chosen mate that night and pronounced her to be the future Luna of the Demon wolf pack. Brian is not a kid and he is certainly not stupid as well. I know he felt our bond, I caught his eyes on me a few times when he thinks I’m not looking, but he chose to pretend that I am not his mate. I think it is because he believes I do not have a wolf, so he thinks I don’t feel the bond like he does, and so he can easily pretend not to feel it too. It’s been two year’s since he first shifted, two f*****g year’s, and yet nobody know about the bond we share. Do you know what it feels like to watch your one true mate flirting around campus and parading his chosen mate as the Luna? Well, it hurts… It hurts so damn badly. It’s even worse because he chose not to acknowledge our bond or even reject me. If he had rejected me, it would have been so much better. At least I would know that I have my whole life ahead of me, and I wouldn’t bother with him anymore. I know it would hurt twice as bad if he decides to reject me, but that is a one time thing. That pain won’t last forever, that pain would rescind after a while, and then I can go on living my life as if he never existed. But Brian is such a heartless bastard, and he has decided to go on punishing me by pretending not to feel our bond. Sometimes he forgets himself and just stare at me lustfully. On many occasions, I’ve caught him gawking at me like a f*****g moron. And his girlfriend has also noticed the same thing, she has seen him looking at me the same way he looks at her. The only difference is that he doesn’t know when he stares at me that way, it just happens to him when he least expects iI and he gets lost in thoughts he gawks at me like an i***t. It’s the bond, and it only works that way with me, whereas he only looks at her this way when he wants to f**k her and that makes her a f*****g s*x object. She knows something is up, and it infuriates her to know that an ordinary omega with no wolf is about to become her rival for the future Alphas heart. I’m not sure he told anyone about it, if he did, I would have known about it already because Mira would have me dragged around town by my hair. She would have me beaten to a pulp and still lock me up in the f*****g dungeon until she becomes the Luna. It would be a case of history repeating itself, Brian may decide to force me to become his mistress, just like his father turned his mate to a mistress and made his mistress his Luna. This is what I mean by history repeating itself, and this time I’m pretty sure my case would be worse than Marietta because she is a true member of this pack and has a Wolf. As for me, I have nothing to boast of, nothing at all. Putting everything into consideration, I’ve made up my mind to stay the hell out of their way and try not to offend anyone until we all graduate. If I’m lucky enough, I’ll be assigned to one of the elites as an omega, I won’t have to serve Brian and Mira for the rest of my life. I always speak encouraging words to myself to remind me that I’m better than all my bullies. I’m not a wolfless omega like they claim, in fact, I am ten times stronger than them, and that is why I shifted two years before they did. If there is anyone who is weak and spineless, it is that damn Alpha Brian who doesn’t know how to stand up for himself. The moon goddess must have made such a terrible mistake to mate me with such an i***t. I just hope he doesn’t throw me out to the rogues when he finally becomes the Alpha. No matter how I try to hide from them, they will always find me. Until our bond is severed, there is no place in this pack that is safe for me. The only question in my heart is, what do I really want? Do I need him to acknowledge our bond and accept me as his Luna, or do I want him to reject me and set me free from this bond that we share. To be honest, I don’t really know what I want at this point. A part of me wants him to acknowledge our bond and accept me as his mate. His acceptance and acknowledgement is all I need to be treated fairly and respected in this pack. Some times, I stare at him when no one is looking, and I wonder what it feels like to be adored and admired by every single girl in this pack. You need to see him waking to the cafeteria or the gym. They line up just to get a glimpse of him, some even try to touch him when Mira is not close by. They literally worship the ground he walks on, making him feel like a f*****g god. The fact that I can never stop myself from hiding among the crowd to gawk at him is even more annoying. From the first day I set my eyes on him, I knew he was special and so damn gorgeous. It’s such a shame that he turned out to be a f*****g asshole. Even with all the horrible things be has done to me, I still wish he would acknowledge me one day and wipe away this shame from my face. But that is just a wish, and wishes do not always come true. “Damn, girl! That’s gonna hurt as f**k!” Tiana let out in that stupid tone of hers that makes her words seems like an insult. She walked into the gym bathroom and saw me sitting on the floor in pain while the water from the shower washes away the eggs and other filthy stuff I was bathed with. She is the only omega that speaks to me like a friend in this pack. The others are just so mean to me, sometimes I wonder if we are competing for something because the hatred is just too much. But Tiana speaks up for me and looks after me as if we were best of friends. She just has to keep her distance so she doesn’t get bullied because of me. I’m guessing that Brian has uploaded the video into the schools page, and she must have watched it, which is why she is here with a change of cloth and some make up to cover my bruises. “Thanks, Ana, you are such a good friend.” I remarked honestly as she handed me some painkillers and water to wash it down my throat. “Don’t thank me, Heath, you are becoming so annoying and frustrating these days. It’s becoming harder to keep up with you and still stay hidden. I could get caught one day, is that what you want, Heather, do you want me to be bullied like you, is that why you just won’t listen to me?” she asked me angrily whist throwing the great of the things she brought to the floor, making me pick them up quickly before it gets wet. “Come on, Tiana, you could soil my cloths a second time. What the hell is wrong with you?” I retorted angrily, grabbing my cloths off the floor before it gets soiled. “Its you, Heather! You are wrong with me! Being friends with you is ruining everything for me, especially when you won’t just listen to me and do what I say. You know, I think you actually love getting bullied by these guys. Just don’t drag me down with you!” she warns me sternly and turned around to leave, making me feel even worse than I did before she walked in here. She must have felt my sadness because she stopped by the door and turned around immediately, coming to gig me tightly as I sobbed in her arms, crying out my eyes. “I’m so sorry, Heath, I didn’t mean to break your heart and make you feel worse. It breaks my heart to see you this way, I just want you to listen to me just this once!” she told me firmly, rubbing my back in a circular motion to make me feel better. “I’m not like you, Ana. I’m not that lucky to find a man, I don’t have a wolf remember? No man even looks my way, not even the patrol guards, let alone the elites. I could get embarrassed if I try to fit into one of these parties like you suggests. Besides I still need the Alpha or Brian to approve my access into these parties. You can see how much Brian despises me, do you think he will grant me access to the party?” I asked her. It was a rhetorical question, I know the answer to that question, and so does she. There is no way I can get into the list when Brian is in charge. It’s just not possible. “That is where you are getting all wrong, Heath. You can’t expect these elites to come after you when they haven’t seen you at the late night parties. They think you are a prude b***h, and that is why they keep their distance from you. I bet that is the reason why Brian hates you so much. Who knows if he wants you for himself, you can never know until you put yourself out there for them to see that you are such a curvy seductress. Did I tell you that Mira used to come to these parties as well, did you know that that is how she got together with Brian in the first place? You just have to listen to me, Heath. Believe me when I say that this is the only option you have, you just have to open your heart to it and accept it. I promise, I would get you access to the party, and I’ll make sure you get a perfect man.” She promised in an excited tone as she wiped off the tears from my eyes. So, here is the deal… Since we became friends, Tiana has been trying to get me to attend one of these parties and balls that the Alpha hosts regularly to entertain his guests and keep. At these parties, every elites and powerful families in the pack are usually in attendance and this is where most ladies in the pack, the omega’s precisely come her to find a man to take them home for the night. To them, it is a way to our yourself out these and find yourself a mate or even find a man to make you his mistress and protect you from bullies like the young Alpha. But to me, this is simply prostitution, and I don’t think I fit into this category of girls. No matter how they try to sugarcoat it, I see this parties as something so horrible, and that is why I have never attended. Tiana thinks that finding a man to stand by me would stop my bullies from attacking me so often, but I don’t think so. I can’t even imagine myself screwing different guys until I find the one that would accept to keep me as a mistress, not even as a mate. It’s so absurd! “I won’t do it, Ana! Stop trying to convince me!” I scolded her sternly. She is trying to paint this beautiful picture in my head, trying to make me feel as if this is the only option I have left. Her words were beginning to get to me, and I just don’t like it. “Fine! Have it your way then. But don’t expect me to keep coming down here to cuddle and pamper you like a f*****g princess. If you are going to continue acting like a prude Virgin then we can’t be friends anymore!” Tiana let out rudely before walking out of the dressing room, leaving me behind as I stared after her in shock. She can be a f*****g asshole sometimes, but she is the only friend I have so I just have to sick or up and act like she didn’t mean what she just said. I returned to the classrooms after cleaning up, but as expected, I was too late to get into the classroom. Brian and his team of thugs were already inside, so I had no choice but to stand outside by the window and take lectures today. But that’s fine, at least I’ll get the chance to leave faster than everyone else when they bell goes off. They won’t have a chance to bully me anymore today, unless they have another trap waiting for me somewhere along the way. With these lunatics, I really know what to expect next.
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