Chapter 6

2827 Words

6 While I had been outside with Thorbjorn, someone had put a massive cast-iron pot over the now-roaring fire in the center of the hall. One by one, Jóra and each of her daughters walked up to that pot and dumped in a bowl full of a different type of food. Jóra had sliced potatoes, Freyja sliced carrots, Freydis wedges of onions, Freylaug sliced fennel bulbs, Freygunnar chopped fresh herbs, and finally Frigg put in a bowl full of chopped dried meat. "The last of last year's hunt," Thorbjorn told me as we stood with the others watching this little ceremony. "Our traditional meal before this year's hunt begins." "It's going to take forever for that water to come to a boil," I said. "How late were we planning on eating?" "We did get here late," Kara said. She left unsaid but clearly meant

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