Chapter 19

2207 Words

19 I tried not to look up as we ran. Trying to track the progress of the sun through the trees to the west was only going to make me trip over my own feet, and that would really slow us down. Plus, it was getting cloudy, especially in the west. That, with the trees and the hills, made guessing at the time remaining until sunset more than iffy. But by the time the lodge came into view through the trees, it was well past sunset. Cloudy or not, hills and trees or not, it was well into twilight and flirting with real, dark night. And yet the doors were still standing open, light from the fire burning in the hall within spilling like a welcome mat over the snowy clearing. I saw the silhouette of a woman in that doorway, as stout as a moss-wife but twice as tall. But as we burst out of the

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