Chapter 4-1

793 Words

Chapter 4 Dimas’s cell buzzed, and he fished it out of his pocket and answered it right away because Hunter’s caller ID appeared. “Hey, what’s up? I’ve been looking for you. You haven’t responded to my texts.” “I’m sorry,” Hunter whispered. Dimas’s brow furrowed. Hunter’s voice was hurried and stressed. “I’ve been in Carl’s suite. They found him.” “Was he missing—” “He’s dead. They say he’s dead,” Hunter’s voice broke over the phone. “They want me to identify him. I don’t know if I can.” Hunter cried into the receiver. Dimas’s heartbeat quickened. “What’s the suite number, babe? Tell me the suite number! I’ll be right there.” Dimas grabbed the pen by the nightstand and wrote down the suite number. It was on the other side of the hotel, but Dimas ran and before he knew it, he was sta

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