I could not keep the flare of hope from my face and my voice. "What is it? Tell me!" "You must go to war with him," said Tizona. "You must wait on the sidelines of all his battles." "Wait for what?" "His death." The light swirled along Tizona's length like ripples on a lake. "When he dies, you must run to him." My skin turned to ice, and I felt sick in the pit of my stomach. "You're telling me...to wait for him to die?" "With the life he leads, it will happen sooner or later," said Tizona. "Or perhaps he will outlive you, and none of this will matter. It is impossible to say. "But if he does die in battle, you must be there. You must be ready." I could not look at him. "Ready for what?" "To do as I say, no matter how terrible it seems," said Tizona. A rush of anger rose