Chapter 7 : Pain Had Become A Companion.

1001 Words

Anaya did not complain and finished all of the work given by the housekeeper and Luna Esther. It was a bit tedious to finish it all off before the given time or else she would have to stay longer and finish them, that would delay her work at home and Anaya's mother would be angry. Anaya was given lunch just as Luna Esther said. She was taken to a quarter by the housekeeper lady and handed a plate of sourdough bread with two fried eggs, roasted tomatoes and a small cold pancake. From first glance it could be recognised as leftover breakfast. Anaya sat in the servants quarter and ate until her stomach was full. She had a filling meal after such a long time. Although the food wasn't fresh, it was better than what she got to eat at home. She left the Alpha's house after two in the afterno

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