Tuesday April 11

762 Words
Hello stranger... So I haven't introduced myself yet, but on the other hand... I don't know if its just me but I would like to leave that part blanc, it just feels cool the idea that maybe we once met on a street, a restaurant or a shop and we found our way back to each other without even knowing it. I live in this huge city and ironically I go to the smallest school ever,  I met my two best friends there who have made my life worth living. I think we are the loudest people in the hole city, when I'm not with them I'm shy and barely speak my mind but when they're with me its like my insecurities disappear and I'm finally myself.  I'm no genius but my grades aren't that bad, I think I'm like those people that are intelligent but just don't try that hard you know? I love to be by myself when I can,  I close the door and blast my favorite music and dance like nobody is looking, if I'm being honest music is a very important thing in my life and I literally can't live without it. Its like telling me I can't breathe, music gives life a new meaning, I don't know if you are following, I hope you do... So back to my friends. I honestly have no idea how the hell we managed to even make our friendship  posible, we are literally oposites in every single way, there names are Violet and Abby by the way. Violet is like the coldest person known to the human race and comes with bonus dark humor, its sometimes hard to get her but in the inside she's a very sweet friend. She's very egocentric to, sometimes too egocentric and I'm surprised I actually tolerate it. The shitty thing of her is that she keeps everything to herself, she never tells me or Abby anything which sucks , I would get it if we weren't that close but we've known each other for two years now! But we all have our issues right? I just wish I could let her know of what she is capable of... Abby on the other hand is like this really cool and chill person. I feel like I have like a very special connection with her, I can tell her anything and she literally gets me you know? She also has her issues, even though she gives the absolute best advice she also deals with s**t, she wants to be the best version of herself and she absolutely deserves that and more but she is constantly worried if she could have done more, always. Plus sometimes I'm not the best friend and don't actually listen to her and just make everything about me without having the slightest idea of what she's going though. But taking that aside I have tons of fun even though she lives an hour away and I know I can always count on her. I'm the innocent one of the group, I get good grades and have no idea of what its like to have a boyfriend and that kind of s**t, plus my patience is not the best so most of the time Abby is the one that has to calm me and Violet before we kill each other.  We have just one thing clear of our lives, and that is that we will die single, why? Violet is like the typical girl that has a crush every 10 years and the minute she realizes the guy  likes her back she immediately stops liking him. For me and Abby the story is very different, we really want a boyfriend but not a single guy in the world notices us, its quite depressing, plus I have this obsessive crush on a guy that is 13 years older than me, great. But I love them very much, I don't imagine a world without them honestly, they mean the world to me. The pain that I would feel if I lose them would be almost unbearable. I hope you know what I'm talking about stranger, I really do. Having friends is hard, yes, but we have to fight for the things that matter right? So take this advice from a lost teenager, tell them how you feel, tell them how important are they and how they brighten your day. Because there will come a time that they won't be there for you to tell them how you actually feel... Hope you're having fun Lost teenager:)  
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