Damon.. 3 weeks later... "You can't Damon, its impossible! How will people fear you if you're in a wheelchair, I've made my decision. I'm taking away the leadership from you, it's just won't work for you to lead men and handle this business. I'm taking back in being the Don in the family." Father said in front of Santos, Alexander, èsabella and a couple other men that were going to be witnesses. "Just because he's in a wheelchair, doesn't mean he can't do whatever it is that you want him to do. He is not weak, I know he is capable of doing a better job then you will." èsabella yelled out while walking to stand by me. "I'm with èsabella, Damon doesn't need to walk on two feet just to prove to you he can lead. He has a mind that can do much more than you ever did in your time Devan."