(18) More nervous than he looks...

4574 Words

Drawn in by his magnetic embrace, I can’t help but wonder if Elijah’s heart is beating just as quickly as mine; hastening in its pace from each lingering second that we spend entwined, remaining unbudged while he adoringly holds my pale face against his own. Filling with helplessness, a surging tide of warmth casts over me as I fall limp within my mate’s needing arms, melting into him while he catches me willingly. As Elijah’s insistent mouth glides against my shaking lips, a wild tremor runs along my nerves, evoking sensations I never knew I could possess while falling victim to the overwhelming connection we both presently share. Allowing my giddiness to cloud my judgement, I grip the collar of his slackening shirt while hungrily demanding more, shaking with anticipation as I lose myself

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