(36) Trinity Hall...

3393 Words

I swallow down my growing nervousness as we throw on our coats and say our swift goodbyes; a sea of anxiety mercilessly crashing inside of me causing my heartbeat to quicken as it heavily pounds within my breathless chest, echoing ruthlessly within my skull and allowing a spell of dizziness to kick in while I lean down to fasten my boots. My legs stumble from beneath me; wobbling slightly as my balance immobilises for a split second as the thought of reliving one of the worst nights of my life in front of a group of total strangers starts to weigh down on me, suffocatingly as the spit gathers at the back of my throat. Elijah steadies me as he wraps his wide arm around my shoulder, closely holding me into his muscular frame as he takes my weight and leads us out of the building. When we st

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