(25) Did she seriously just say that...

2994 Words

“Will you calm yourself down, young lady! You look ridiculous!” Vincent growls exasperated at his flailing daughter. His foot start’s to tap impatiently on the pavement as he leans on his cane witnessing her lash out despite his angered plea.  Aubrey continues to cause a scene, not at all concerned with his warning remaining caught up in the moment. Desperate kicks and punches are thrown at the amused boys as they easily escape her clumsy attempts of causing harm, laughing mockingly at the feeble attack, blocking her from getting too close to either Elijah or myself.  “-I didn’t bring you along with me for you to go and make a fool out of me!” Vincent sneers at his daughter, authority riddled in his tone causing her to stop dead in her tracks. A defeated pout paints her face, reluctantly

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