(16) Breaking through...

4997 Words

As the tall, self-assured brunette struts across the busying walkway, an utterance of inaudible words slips from her lips while she casts a scorching glare over her shoulder—tottering prissily in her clacking heels as if our mere presence were gravely insulting her. Blindly reaching into her handbag, Beth’s eyes narrow loathsomely, slyly scrutinising us one by one as if we were sitting beneath a magnifying scope. Subjected to Beth’s blatant judgement, I shrink under her examining gaze while she retrieves her mobile and impatiently presses it to her ear. Appearing flustered by our brief encounter, Beth slows her fleeting pace into a crawl while smoothing down her sand-toned overcoat. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she awaits the caller to answer the phone before turning to walk towards th

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