Chapter 9

2648 Words

Chapter 9It was Jesse’s worst nightmare. Correction. Second worst. They had carried Gideon in from where he’d collapsed at the front door, stretching him out on the rearmost pew in order to tend to his injuries. All Mary and Jess had had to do to find him was follow the path of blood that led from the sidewalk, across the grass, over the threshold, and into the church. It wasn’t just a droplet here and there. There were wide swathes of scarlet with nearly continuous trails, splattered with even more blood. The scent was overwhelming by the time they stood at the end of the pew. Jesse was grateful Gideon was prowling along the perimeter of the property, staying out of sight but keeping an eye out for any intruders. The biggest band in the trail came from Gideon’s bare and mangled foot. He’

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