Chapter Eighty One

2941 Words

QUINN “I’m so sorry that happened,” I told Michael over the phone. It was really late when I got home, and I could text him about everything. It took him even longer to respond. “Don’t be. But there is something I think you need to know,” he said. “No, M, I am really sorry. I didn’t know he would do that. I didn’t want to miss talking to you, and he was at the game for my birthday. I just-” I ranted. “Quinn, breathe. I don’t for one second want you to misunderstand me. I’m absolutely furious that he took your phone; that was out of line. But I am a little at fault here,” Michael explained. “No, I am,” I sniffed. I was the one engaging him when I was with Jaxx. I was naive to think it could go on in any capacity, and now he was going to tell me that we couldn’t be us until there was

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