Chapter Thirteen

2849 Words

MICHAEL Quinn was so cute when she woke up. I came so close to kissing her but caught myself just in time to rub my nose on hers instead. I didn’t miss the goosebumps that raised along her neck at it, though. The Moon Goddess had to be testing my resolve. When Quinn rolled over, narrowly avoiding falling off the couch only to cuddle closer into me, I thought I was surely dead. Without actually mating her, I couldn’t imagine anything better than that. I could have stayed like that forever with her body molded along mine. I could have listened to her gentle, quiet snores on repeat for hours. I could have paused time to adore her soft, freckled cheeks wedged against my chest. But all good things have to end sometime. It was easier to leave here knowing that I would get to see her the n

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