Chapter Forty Two

2124 Words

After we went out to eat, we all went bowling. I kept sneaking glances at Aubree the whole time, who always had his eyes on Christy. My best friend seemed to be having the time of her life, so I decided it wasn’t so bad to endure a haunted house to see her smile. Jaxx went to get more drinks, and Christy was messing with the scoreboard, leaving Aubree and me sitting in the hard plastic seats. “I don’t mean for this to sound conceited, but I know you keep watching me. I hope you don’t think you like me or something,” he said quietly, surprising me. I turned to him to see he was giving me an appraising look. I just shook my head. “No, but do you like Christy?” I asked him pointedly. He chuckled softly. “Is it that obvious?” “Well, a little. Every time she’s close to you, your eyes

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