Chapter Sixty Six

1479 Words

QUINN “That’s it. One, two, three, four, one, two, three, rest, one,” I counted off for Carl as he concentrated on the music in front of him. He had come a long way, even though I only tutored him two days a week all summer. Carl already knew he would have a hard time for the first season of marching band as he got the hang of not only playing but also marching, but he was ready for it. His mom had insisted on paying me for his lessons even though I told her it wasn’t necessary. I used the money to pay all my band fees for the year and buy new reeds for my saxophone. “You’re getting better every practice,” I told him as he played the last note of the song. “I f*****g better be,” he said. “I practice hours every day.” “Well, don’t overdo it,” I said. I got up and went over to his desk

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