Chapter Seventeen

2535 Words

I ran. Like the coward I am, I bolted. Michael’s kiss set my whole body on fire. I couldn’t decide if it lasted too long or not long enough. When it ended. he stepped back with a satisfied smile. I quickly mumbled an excuse and sprinted away. Thankfully, he didn’t chase after me. I ran all the way home, passing pack members headed to the party. I really thought I was going to die. My legs moved faster than I ever thought possible. When I got home, my parents weren’t back yet, so I fished my key out of my pocket and let myself in. I went straight to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of cold water, chugging it unceremoniously in front of the open fridge. “That was perfect,” Saph purred in my head. “That was…” I was lost for words. That wasn’t my first kiss, but I can positively say I ne

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