Chapter 1 Moon introduction
Moon intro "When was created Moon so was I that's why my name is Moon I even have the scar to prove it. Falling from the sky down the earth. Am I immoral or alien I don't know I have been here for so many years and I do mean that since world war both of them? I made myself useful but others never saw it that way " a chaos of to humanity." I never said, " I'm just the one who does the dirty work aka the killing That's why I'm here locked away". Moon looked up at the ceiling wall chained up like a wild animal thanks to The Avengers' bunch of p***y if you ask me. As time passes a General walk in as his footsteps get closer to Moon's cell he faces said, Moon, the world needs your help. Moon's eyes icy glare and evil laughs and said," interesting how you know need me but as I recalled the world wants me locked away". Moon then smiled with victory as she see behind the General's face was sweating and said, Excuse me Sir may I speak to Moon privately I may able to convince her. Harlock looked at her shaking her head in disbelief Moon smiled and said," Well you can blame the world". A few security guards walked up and unlocked her chains Moon stretch as she stood up and begin to walk out of the cell everyone seems very concerned to see her out. As she walked up to the office to Warren's office and said," I believe you have something that belongs to me." Warren sighed in disbelief a handed her very security case she open it up as dust floated in the air. Moon then looked at her clothes as a case and carried them out as she walked toward the halls and open the door looking at the sun and blue skies she open the car door. Harlock took her back to his home and she walked in and took a long shower. As she got into her clothes the last things she wore before she was locked up. The moon slips on her rip-up jeans and then wore a black long-sleeve shirt. Moon slip on her holster and then a long black leather jacket. Moon walked out of the bathroom into the living room looked straight into Harlock's eyes said," Let's go get this crap over with." Harlock smiled shaking his head said," Always straightforward forward eh Moon." Moon then grab her cigars, and walked back to the car as they drove to the embassy and walked into as fear was in everyone eyes. Moon smirked wickedly as she see the world leaders and then as see the Avengers were there and not even happy to see her. Captain America and Iron man spoke said," Really you bring Moon into this." the president himself spoke said," We at war people need her to eliminate these problems". Moon then glare at them said," who the hell says I'll do it." Everyone gasp as President spoke firmly said," The world need you Moon and the Avengers." Moon lites a cigar said," What in it for me you honestly expect me to help you after being locked away." Captain America said," We don't need blood on our hands." Moon looked at Captain America eyes cold as well the tone in her voice said," Blood on you're hands can be merely wash away fact of the matter is you're too soft there a reason why they releases me." As the embassy spoke amongst each other an finally one elder man clear his throat said," Moon as of today you are free however in return you will help and work all side the Avengers with you." Captain America walked towards her eyesfull of rage said," You will follow orders." Moon lites her cigar an blew smoke into the Captain America face said," Stay out of my way it be easier on you." Captain America shook his head in such disbelief said," The tower in 20 minutes." Moon walked out the building walk around the town as she looked at her wallet $500 as she went to store an grab her some beer an cigars the store clerk was scared as she paid the clerk an grab her changes Moon grab her stuff an walked out Harlock pulled up with Motorcycle an said," Cool hop on." Moon cracked open beer an drinks it as Moon walked toward the Avenger tower stupid A very hard to see Moon said sarcastically as she continued to drink her beer an spark up cigars. Harlock sees her walk toward and followed her as Tony Stark was outside and see her drinking beer. Tony Stark said," Best behavior hmm." Moon chuckled and said, "Pass." Harlock chuckled as they go inside and sat down but Moon.Captain America spoke up and said," Okay this what we are up against." Moon lit a cigar back up and cracked open a fresh beer, and see Thor. Captain America sighed and said," Avengers I want you all to meet Moon and Harlock." they all stare ready to fight if so as Thor slam his fist on the table and said," This is ridiculously locked her up." Moon stood up and was face to face with Thor and said," Tell me to do you God's bleed." Moon eyes full of anger as she sees an old picture of her crew. Moon then sees her old team the traitor as they were happy to see her but one Apollo looked angry to see her. As well as her to see him as Moon gazes at Apollo said," You unlock this monster." Apollo grabs his knife and put it on Moon's throat. Moon's scar glowed a blooding red smiled and said," You sold me out and put my knife in my throat." Moon lit a cigar and blew it Apollo's face said," You think you got the upper hand looked down." Apollo looked down and see a gun down at his privates. Moon laughed menaced and said," Pretty sure you gonna move your knife away from my throat." Apollo moved away from her humiliated throw his knife and said," f*****g die." Moon's eyes were cold as she pointed the gun at Apollo replied said," Who wants to live forever." Harlock get between them and said," Kill each other later now let get this s**t taken care of." Moon then grabs her beer then looked at the file Captain America cleared his throat and said," There weapon is far more advanced then we gonna need to get the location enemies." Moon grabs a picture gaze at the background. Moon spoke said," I got one question and one only one where the hell is my bike." Tony Stark sighed as he took her back into the garage and there was Moon's old school motorcycle as she walked by it Tony Stark said," It won't start." Moon sits on the motorcycle and had it starting sound beauty Moon then rode off said," Thanks Tin man ."