The Aunt

1130 Words

Kinley was playing a game of soccer with Sam and some of the other children, her face heavily drenched in sweat as were her clothes, her ponytail becoming loose, when she saw a rather fancy car drive up and stop in the driveway. This was interesting to Kinley who snuck a quick glance, seeing a beautiful woman with auburn hair and big blue eyes, dressed immaculately in fancy skirt, top and heels, head into the pack house without a backwards glance. She sure was stunning whoever she was thought Kinley to herself. Kinley shot the ball into the net and yelled "Goal" as the children whooped and cheered, Sam running up to give her a high five. He looked a little pale she thought concerned, aware of just how warm the sunlight was that bore down on them all. The other's were all flushed and had

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