A New Chapter

1063 Words

Kinley was still reeling from the news. Her hand instinctively went to her stomach and she closed her eyes and imagined the baby she knew she was having. Would it have the same powers as she had or would it have something completely different once again? She imagined a little boy with the same features as Spencer and a little girl that had hers. To be frank, she didn't really care about gender. As long as they were healthy, she would be ecstatic. But what to do now? A tentative knock sounded and Kinley hoped that Dr Sandra had kept her promise not to tell. Kinley wanted to be there to see Spencer's reaction and break the news to Sam. Spencer's head poked in and she laughed at his big puppy dog eyes that he cast her way. "Can I come in" he said rather gruffly and she nodded, feeling shy

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