
2642 Words

Kelsey I marched to the couple sitting. By looking at them you will notice how much they loved each other. "What would you like?" I asked politely. "Two cups of Coffee please" the wife said "Okay" I said with a smile, I sigh its been weeks since I started my part time job in this coffee shop. Since that night I haven't heard from Zion he did not text or call I wonder if he's back to his jerk self. I pushed away the thought, I went with their coffee I gave them with a smile. I thought of calling Nicole graced through me. I was kind of bored thank God its weekend no school stress. I dialed Nicole number. "Hello Nicole" "What's up Kelsey" "Fine" I sigh. "How was your day.....wait your voice sound pale! Is everything okay" I could sense the worry in her voice. "I’m okay..I’m just

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