
1232 Words

Kelsey A sneak peek of her life.... I gaze at the cool weather of new York through my window. Heaving out a sigh I stretched my arms and trekked to the bathroom to take a shower. After dressing myself into pair of tank top and black pant with my white sneakers, I went down and kiss both my parent on their cheeks. "How are you my baby I hope you slept well" My dad asked. "Yes dad" "Here is your breakfast don't be late on your first day, and I know Nicole must be on her way now" My mom said. I love my family they always care for me whenever I’m in a problem they are always there for me. After finishing my breakfast which is pasta and a cup of hot tea. I waved my parent goodbye. "Love you mom" "Love you dad" "Take care of yourself" They said in unison. I closed the door behind

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