I'm Sorry About My Sister

1504 Words
Maneskin- I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE Delilah: "Is it always like this?" I ask Stacy. The guys all take a seat while Carson, Ahsan, and Decarious all prepare to fight. She grins. "You should have been here for the Lucien versus Carson s**t," she grins. "The whole school had front-row seats to it," Nat laughs. "Hashtag Lubella is still trending on Twitter," "Donnason was hot for a minute but the entire school hated how he slapped a bunch of papers out of her hand in the cafeteria and made her cry. There are gifs and videos," Stacy adds. "TMZ gave us Five Gs for the videos. The Fallen Boys fight Over Blackstone Princess," Natalie laughs. "Are you serious?" I laugh taking Stacy's phone. Sure enough, there are articles and videos on the internet for all to see. "Who do they think she chose?" "Lucien," they answer. "Chicks always go for the leading man," Stacy laughs. "We're going to do a triangle thing when he graduates so Carson gets his five minutes. Lucien is setting it up," "They're all f*****g nuts," I sigh, "But it's good s**t," "Right," Natalie laughs. "Have you met Holly?" "The butler's niece?" I ask. "She's a devil," "How does that work?" "Hallows can procreate with demons because technically their bodies are human," Nat answers. Decarious is the first one to take a swing at Carson. The two of them start fighting. I sit back looking down at the tiny cup B.B. had given me earlier. I get up and go inside where James is talking to the other caregivers. James excuses them and serves me a cup of tea in the family room. He spikes it with honey whiskey. I smile going over to him. "What was his name?" he asks. "Ash," I answer. "Ashmedai?" he asks. I nod. "You Blackstone girls don't do simple, hmm?" "I want him here," "Yes, well, it would take a big offering for him. Corruption," he sighs. "Master Damien will be present at dinner tomorrow. Miss B.B. isn't one for overlooking such things but he might be your guy. He's a simple man. Get him what he wants and he'll give you what you want," "Will she get mad?" "Doubtful. She may be disappointed but she's easy to forgive in that department. She forgave both your mother and father for their indiscretions," "Is that what we're calling mass murder?" I ask. "She calls them oopsies," he smiles. I laugh. "She's okay, right?" I ask. "She is," he nods. "Better than when I arrived. She doesn't cry anymore. The sadness is fading. She's healing. I'm more worried about you, Miss Del," "Me too. My psycho switch is on. I went to the market today and I wanted to kill the cashier when she asked me if I wanted bags. I daydreamed about killing my entire math class just because I was bored," "Miss B.B. would love to hear all about those intrusive thoughts. She keeps a journal on her iPad. Doodles and all," he smirks. "She has this too?" I ask. "Yes, it's a snake trait. The girls all love to have scones and tea in the garden to chat about it in their podcasts. Every Friday afternoon. It was Miss Whitmore's idea. To keep up with debutante ethics. They call it Murder and Scones. Short Stories by Pretty In Black," "Who is Pretty in Black?" "Miss Whitmore, she's very into her writing as of late," "Stacy is writing again?" I smile. She quit a long time ago. She said it was pointless after she found out love was "dead". "Miss B.B. sparked her interest. She is very supportive of everyone's hobbies. Master Lucien is filming again. Master Dylan is tattooing. Master Carson, Master Jimenez, and Master Vic are all working on classic sports cars. Miss Natalie is drawing. She's very good," "That makes me very happy," I admit. "Everyone does seem to be doing well. We needed her, I think," "They need you as well. I'll gather the supplies for Ash's summoning. We'll need a vessel. I have a few you can look through," "A few vessels?" I ask. "Yes, miss. What would you like? Male or female?" he asks. My mouth falls open because holy s**t. He has spare vessels lying around prepared to be possessed by demons. I look past his shoulder at the two demons discussing something in the dining room. They were vessels before they were here. Did B.B. know that? "Male obviously. Ash would kill me if I summoned him into a girl's body," is what comes out of my mouth. "Let me introduce you to my niece," he says. "Holly," "Uncle?" a little red-haired girl pokes her head out from the kitchen archway. "This is Delilah Blackstone. The other lady of the house," he introduces us. "I know," her face gets bright red. "I'm a big fan of your twerk-work. Ass-Eyes. Uh, hello," "Hi," I laugh loving her studdering. "i***t," James whispers. "Please, show Miss Del our vessel selection. Male. Under twenty-one," "Do you have an ethnicity preference?" she asks. "No?" what the f**k? Am I ordering a f*****g body to be possessed right now? "We'll go through all of them. Okay, we have profiles. Muscle memory stuff. You know instincts with training and whatnot. You can actually pick what kind of training your demon will have upon summoning," "Really?" "Mhm," she nods excitedly. "Would you like to see some of my work?" "If it's not too much to ask," "Ruth!" she calls out. A woman walks out of the library writing something on a clipboard. She looks up at us and bows formally. "Miss Blackstone. Miss Holly. How can I be of assistance?" she asks. Ruth is a little woman. She's about five-two. Soft brown hair, dark brown eyes, petite ass hell. She looks like she's in her early twenties. Gorgeous. "Stand there," Holly orders taking the iPad from me. She brings up Ruth's profile. "She was formally the head of the torture department in hell. Proficient in hexes, summonings, and dark magic. The vessel belonged to a woman named Omara Miller. She was part of a group of assassins in Ireland. Was caught by the B.I.F.D. British Intelligence Fringe Division. This is what happens when souls are reaped inside the organization. The bodies are kept on ice for demon hosts," "I never even thought of that," I say moving around the demon in front of me. Why am I not bothered by this? "What are you guys doing?" B.B. appears behind us. "Did you know about this?" I ask. "The demons?" she asks. "That they can reap souls without harming the bodies. Then they keep the bodies on ice so they can summon demons into them," "Oh, yeah. That's what James is," she nods. "You don't have a problem with that?" "Not even a little," she shakes her head. "Is this one yours?" "Yes," Holly answers. "Oh, hey, Holly. How was F.D. prison? I heard you kicked some serious ass. That they forgave you," my sister smirks. "Yeah," she tucks her hands behind her and rocks back and forth in her cute little go-go boots. "It was nothing," she waves B.B. off. "I didn't get bitten this time," "Good job. Remember the dodgeball," she pats her head. Holly smiles like she enjoyed the patronizing way my sister is treating her. "The dodgeball?" I ask. "Yeah, she was having trouble dodging snake attacks. She had four bites when we met. I almost bit her. I taught her how to dodge snake attacks with a dodgeball in the ballroom," "Did she just stand there while you threw dodgeballs at her?" "Yes," she laughs. "And Eve," "I'm sorry about my sister. She's a piece of s**t," I sigh. B.B. laughs as she walks over to the library. I just now notice she's wearing a black trench coat and heels as she walks away. "Nasty, b***h," "Your mom," she calls back. I laugh looking over at Holly. "Did she ever hit you in the face?" I ask pinching her chin so I can take a better look at her. "I don't want to talk about it," she sighs heavily. "I do, so I know how hard I'm going to hit her with the dodgeball later," "Oh, no. You don't have to do that. The training worked," "Good. I'm still going to get her. Why don't we take this upstairs? We can choose the vessel together," "I-i-in your-your room?" she swallows hard. I give her a nod. "N-now?" "Now, Holly," I order. She drops the iPad and takes a step back. She doesn't meet my gaze as she turns around and runs up the stairs. I look at Ruth and smile. "You coming?" "f**k yeah, I am," she nods. "After you, Miss," "f*****g Blackstones," I hear Victor say from behind me. I look back and smile at him. "I heard you were the chill one," "You heard wrong, buddy. Sweet dreams," I salute him. He flips me off. "Or fun nightmares,"
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