Seeing Her Like This

1742 Words
A Day To Remember- The Downfall of Us All Delilah: "B.B. is crying," I announce after I finally get her to calm down and smoke. Ray and Decarious are gone but five of her boyfriends turning to look at me all at once is still terrifying. How she does it is beyond me. "James, she made a mess," "Excuse me," he bows and disappears up the stairs. "What's going on?" Lucien asks. "You mean other than me breaking one of the strongest persons I knew and she cries now?" I ask. He smiles. "I think we all broke her," Carson sighs. "She was in love with her. Duh," I say taking a seat at my dad's desk. "She wants me to drop out of the pageant. She said and I quote, I'll be on my best behavior," "I hate when she says that," Carson grins. "We never know what the f**k she's doing," "And we never will," Lucien agrees with a smirk on his stupid face. "So, her promising that means what exactly?" Ahsan asks. "It means she's going to be extra careful. She won't leave a trace. She'll get rid of her own bodies. She'll use cash instead of her cards," Lucien begins to explain. "Go on longer runs. Wear civilian clothes. All of our conversations will be short and sweet. She won't argue. She won't ask questions," Carson adds. "Best Behavior," Damien laughs. "She sounds like you," Victor pushes his head. The two of them laugh. "When is the last time she did this?" I ask because I wasn't aware they knew this side of her. "When she started f*****g around with Jimenez," Luc answers. Jimenez grins. "She's going to f**k around with Rose," Carson looks at Lucien and sits up. "The opening lets Rose take Del's place. Rose has been trying to get back in her good graces since we started talking," Lucien points out. "She backed off but now she's back in the game. I'll kill that f*****g b***h myself if B.B. f***s her," he growls. "I don't like this plan," "Jesus Christ," Damien laughs. "I want to know what she gave this guy. That is something else," "That's just Lucien. He's always been obsessed with B.B. At this point, it's part of his personality. If it's not B.B. related he's not interested," I wave him off. At that, everyone laughs because it's true. It can be cute but mostly it's absolutely disturbing. I feel bad for him sometimes. "I'm sorry. I thought it was cute but it looks a lot more serious than it is," he looks Lucien over. "Aww, man. I want creepy stalker," "Lucien is the creepy stalker that was invited inside because he was standing outside while it was pouring and now we might all be hostages. You don't want that," Victor sighs. "Corre, Dami. Corre. It's too late for me. It's not too late for you," "It's too late," Carson scoffs. "He's been here a while. Longer than you have. She's just as weird," "We should drop this whole thing with Jamal," I suggest. "No," the five of them answer at the exact same time. "It's her first offense," I remind them. "Uh, no," Lucien shakes his head. "She ran off to New City on her own when she met Damien," Carson points out. "She went rogue and killed your mom," Dylan adds. "She made Lucien and Carson fight," Stacy laughs. "She snuck off to meet Jimenez and was almost murdered by his parents," Victor says. "She disappeared with your dad and hung out with a demon prince," Natalie shakes her head. "She's been devotedly creeping on Decarious," Ahsan says. "That last one is at the top of the list," Carson nods. "She didn't creep on the rest of us," "What is this about you guys having a song?" Victor asks. "What is Dive In?" "That's-" Lucien looks at Carson. "Dive In? That one is a little dark," "It's our song. Why Passion Fruit?" Carson shoots back, annoyed. "Oh, I love Drake," Stacy laughs. "That's our song," Lucien shrugs. "I want a song," Victor complains. "Maybe one in Spanish," "What the f**k?" I growl. They all straighten up and shake whatever just happened off. The rest of the stone is laughing. "Oh, my lord. Are they always like this?" "No, this is new," Dylan says between laughs. "I mean Lucien and Carson do this a lot but they're brothers. These other ones are usually filled with hate and brooding. Especially towards each other. Did something happen guys?" "What?" Carson looks back at him. "Like what?" "They're all properly fed," Natalie steps forward. "She's different too. She's properly fed which means all the dangerous stuff is not bothering her right now. She's all depressed and moody because she's calm," "She's bored, you mean," Marco stands up. "No, she's calm. This is a different kind of pain. This is her pain. The s**t she has to deal with. She's been solving all of our problems. The problems are taken care of for the most part. She only has her own," "Should we help her?" Stacy asks. "I mean she's like super private about her personal s**t. When we talk we're like super stoned and I have to dig deep for it," "I want to help her," Natalie agrees. "She paid off a lot of the s**t I owe and taught me how to budget. I can afford to go see my aunt because of her," "We haven't lost a single girl or any merch," Stacy adds. "We're making bank now that we're not killing each other," Jimenez says. "I'm opening shop too," Dylan smiles. "Oh, f**k. I think it's contagious," Damien says and we both laugh. "Are we really going to use our resources to help my sister get over her first breakup?" I ask. "We beat the s**t out of yours," Stacy points out. "And we tied her up for you," Natalie adds. "You went all Silence of the Lamb on her," Lucien smirks. "What? You ate her?" we all turn to see B.B. and James standing at the bottom of the stairs. "f**k. Not even in my darkest days did I ever consider that," "I didn't f*****g eat her. I chopped her up and ground her up and I fed her to those dogs on E street. I even gave some to your stupid cat, "That's my cat," Carson growls. "You guys moved in together and got a cat?" I laugh. My sister smiles and puts her hand on his elbow as she walks into the library. "I don't need help. I just-I'm being emotional because I have to get my dumb thing removed," she raises her left arm. "We have an appointment, Delilah. Tomorrow morning. I'm putting you on," "What about me?" Stacy jumps up. "You can make your own appointments. I already gave you the name," she sighs. "I'm not in love with Rosa. I'm not going to f**k her. I'm not going to make her fall in love with me. You guys are overreacting. I'm just going to kill her. She knows too much," "If you weren't in love with her, why did you tell her everything?" I ask. "The same reason you tell Lucien everything. She was my friend," "I tell Lucien everything because he's in love with you. I knew that if something happened to me he would take care of you," "Even the weird s**t with Terra?" she asks. Lucien laughs. I sigh. "I never understood your relationship with her. Lucien has never slept in my bed with me. He's never worn my clothes or seen anything-" "I hope the f**k not," she cuts me off and drops into the seat across from me. "I need to do this on my own. I got myself into this mess and I'd like to see it through. If it's not too much to ask," "I've got beef with her," Natalie raises her hand. "When I moved her she had my clothes stolen and I had to walk around in my swimsuit all day until I found them in the trash. She took pictures and posted them online," "Was that the hashtag dumpster baby thing?" Stacy asks. "Man, that must have been tough. People were using it for everything," "Did you use it?" my sister asks her. Stacy presses her lips together and tries not to laugh. "I did," Lucien raises his hands. "I apologize but that trended all the way to North Dakota," "f**k you guys," Natalie rolls her eyes when we all laugh. "Did you use it?" "I haven't tweeted anything in a long time," B.B. shakes her head. "My last hashtag was feather pompoms," "That was a cute one," Lucien mumbles under his breath. B.B. does know how to make things entertaining. I'm a little worried about her and Rose. She can set it all up and take things as far as she can but when it's time to tip the dominos, she might not be able to watch them all fall. I look over the room to see how everyone just welcomed her into our family. How she opened up to all of them without putting up much of a fight. In one of the last conversations we had, she told me she hated them because they always came first. She gets it now and I'm grateful for that. "You okay?" Lucien asks me when we all sit to watch something on the big TV. "I missed this," I nod. "I'm really happy she's finally here. I just really hate that to get here, she gave up on everything she used to want," "It was more of a phase. A rebellion against your dad," he smirks. "Even if it was, she bottling a whole lot of stuff up and we might have a problem moving forward. We're not supposed to be the bad guys but she's going to tap into that. By all means. Before returning, dad warned me about pushing her too far. He said it would be easy for her to turn on all of us. I laughed at him and I said not my B.B. but she's not mine anymore is she?" "She ours," he bumps me with his arm. "We got her," "She not ours anymore, Luc," "Then who?" he scoffs. "I don't know but my dad said we should be afraid. Seeing her like this, I think I might believe him,"
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