I Love You Too

2589 Words
Hotel Ugly- Shut Up My Moms Calling B.B.: It's been a long time since I've dressed up as anything. The last costume I bought was Selene from Underworld. Getting all of my hair in a wig cap is turning out to be a lot more complicated than fitting my ass in the shiny pleather body suit. Even with the four braids, I made to make things "easier". I have a lot of f*****g hair. "Holy s**t," Delilah laughs when she walks into the bathroom. "What are you supposed to be? Mom?" I laugh looking down at her fitted blue dress. "Bella Cullen. Damien wanted to be Edward and Bella," she laughs. "That's cute," I say fixing her lipstick. "Am I pulling it off, death dealer?" she asks trying to fix her boobs in the dress. "Yes," I nod. She really is. Even got the makeup right. I brush out her freshly pressed curls and then let her fix my wig. "Say a line," she steps back. "Hundreds of thousands have died because of your inability to accept that your sons are monsters and create monsters," I say in a fake accent. We both laugh. "I missed us," she says getting serious. "The first time I was wounded in purgatory, I was alone and I got a fever. You kept telling me what to do. I got so mad I shouted shut the f**k up, B.B.," she huffs. "I passed out and when I woke up again, Ash was sitting in front of the cave I had hidden in. He was covered in blood and mud but I've never seen a man as beautiful as him," "Not even Lucien?" I ask. She laughs. "Not even Lucien but I have to admit that Victor comes close," "Vic is beautiful," I agree. "He brings out the violence in you," she grins. "Him and Ahsan but I must admit that Ahsan scares me a little. Not in a bad way he just-" "Makes you feel like if you don't listen you'd hurt him more than yourself?" she offers. "Yes, I am so f*****g nervous about this punishment they're all coming up with," I walk out to my closet to get my corset and my trench coat. "Is it the first time they all get mad at you?" she follows. "Collectively, yes. I've pissed off Carson and Lucien at the same time and individually. I've really pissed off Victor twice now. Ro is the easiest to be around. I feel like I can really be myself around him," "You should feel like that around all of them," she tightens my corset. "I do but the others get all overprotective. Ro just likes being there to make sure I don't go too far," "Oh, yeah. Lucien seems a lot more relaxed now. He used to get all angsty when he didn't have eyes on you for a while. He's more focused on everything. School, work, film. Carson too. They know you're safe. Do you feel safe?" she asks. "I do but as of late. Since finding out that Rosa is involved with that other reaper, not so much. If she weren't as involved as she is with the town, I'd remove her immediately. This doesn't just implicate us two. It affects all of us now. I feel so stupid," "Don't. You were a kid. You still are," "You're only eleven months older than me," I remind her. She laughs. "We're still technically kids. And if we're being technical, I'm like two hundred and seventeen years older now," "f**k. I can't imagine what that must have been like," I zip up my boots and stand up. I wiggle around to make my costume creek. We both laugh. I give her a small case with red contacts in it and grab the icy blue ones I bought at the farmer's market. I go into my room to inspect my costume and add my accessories. "Don't imagine it," she says leaning against my back. "I pray you never end up there," "Are you guys ready?" Lucien shouts from outside the door. "Go downstairs," Delilah laughs. We both hear him rush down. She opens the door and runs out of my room before jumping over the edge. My heart speeds up for an instant but I know we can both jump off the top of our house now without a single scratch. I take one last look at myself and walk out. The guys are all standing there looking up at me. "Oh, my god," Lucien breaks the silence. The five of them are dressed in black jeans, black button-ups, and black trench coats. A team of death dealers. They even have fake vampire teeth and prop guns. At least, I hope they're prop guns or that their safety is on. They have the same blue contacts I do. "You guys look so cool," I laugh. "And scary," "I-" Lucien looks me over. "How did you get into that?" Ahsan walks around me. "Not without difficulty, I assure you," I laugh. "Take the coat off," Victor demands. My sister laughs. "Yeah, B.B. take the coat off," she instigates. I roll my eyes as Ahsan pulls it off my shoulders. Carson instructs me to spin around for them with his index finger. I spin around slowly. "Are you even wearing underwear?" "I had to take it off. I couldn't find one that-" Lucien's hand wraps around my throat. He leans in so our mouths are brushing against one another. "Don't take the f*****g coat off, B.B. Got it?" he growls, his eyes dark. The others grunt in agreement. Ahsan holds my coat out and I slip it back on as soon as he removes his hand. "b***h," I glare at my sister when she walks past me. "I love you too," she grins. It's a little past nine o'clock. People are pouring in early. This is the first time we ever have a party in the haunted mansion. I reach into my coat to retrieve Nat's birthday gift. The live music is going, the demons are all distributing drinks, and she's sitting on the throne Delilah built for her. She's surrounded by gifts. Unlike us, she went with something a little louder than death dealers and Bella Cullen. Natalie is dressed as Akasha from Queen of the Damned. Delilah approaches the throne and bows down holding out the box in her hands. They both laugh when Natalie gets up to hug her. They exchange some words before Delilah moves away and leaves to look for Damien in the crowd. The six of us approach together. The guys take a knee and offer up their gifts. "I can't with you guys," she comes over to me. I hold the box in my hands up. "I have a request, your majesty," I bow politely. "Let's hear it, death dealer," she grins. "f**k you look amazing. How did you get into this?" "I had to stand on my balcony to air dry properly so it would go up my hips," we both laugh. "I'm going to f**k her sometime tonight," one of the guys says lowly. We both look up at each other and pretend we didn't hear it. "I want you to open it right now," I say. The stone surrounds us and she looks around and smiles. "Of course," she agrees. I went with a small jewelry box to hold the skeleton key of the phantom gates. She opens it and holds up the key with a smile on her face. It looks like the one I have around my neck but hers is silver. "A room key?" "That is the key to the Phantom gates," I say. "B.B. has been working on getting you and your family all the Phantom assets that were lost when your dad went missing. As his only daughter, you inherit it all. The properties and the money," "What?" her eyes meet mine. "You're kidding," "I don't kid. You know what," I tip her chin. She jumps into my arms. "No crying. You're going to ruin your makeup and Stacy is going to kick me like last time," "You were being mean last time. I'm okay with it this time," Stacy starts to cry. "Aww, baby, don't cry," Johnny wraps his arms around her. His arm is all healed up. I think. He's not wearing his sling tonight. She's dressed in a Cross Academy night class uniform. They both are. I laugh when my eyes land on Damien who is actually dressed as Edward. Dylan is wearing leather pants with a silver satin top. The first four buttons are undone showing off a sick and accurate Nosferatu piece on his chest. Marco is just wearing leather pants with his shoulder-length hair down. He has two full sleeves. Across his chest he has Je t'aime Pour Toujours with Dylan's name under it. I love you forever, Dylan. It's in French because Dylan is French. I think we all love that Dylan is French and that he goes on crazy French rants. "I don't know what to say," Natalie dabs her under eyes. "You don't say anything. It's yours. It's always been yours. I'm just making sure it gets to where it needs to be," "Thank you,' she hugs me again. "Is Dec coming?" I ask trying not to get sentimental. "Nope," the guys all answer at the same time. "You two are on a time-out," Carson adds. "That includes private affairs," "He had a thing with his dad anyway," Rodrigo whispers in my ear when the others walk away. "How am I going to get you out of this without ripping it?" "There's a zipper on the bottom," I say quietly. "Is that right?" he growls playfully. "I think we need to get more ice in the kitchen, B.B. Don't want our drinks to get hot now, do we?" "No, sir," I laugh. He takes my hand and leads me back the way we had come from. I look back to see the others staring at us. "f**k," I sigh. "I did this to myself," "Yes, you did, Bonita," he chuckles darkly. "You f****d up the moment you said yes to all of us," The library is dark when we enter. He looks back to see that the house is essentially empty before he pulls me to him and turns me around so that my hands are on the shelf by the entrance so that he can see if someone is coming in our direction. My trench coat lands on the floor with a thud before he reaches between my legs. His fingers graze my slit over the pleather making me shutter. He finds the zipper and pulls on it until it's fully unzipped. "Be careful I do not want to be walking around with my p***y out all night," "I'm not the one you need to be worried about," he whispers into the back of my neck. "You smell so good," His middle finger slips inside he pulls it out to rub gentle circles around my swollen clit. My hands grip the edge of the shelf. I spread my legs a little more so he has better access. "Good girl," he whispers into my ear. "Now, what is this I've been hearing about you having songs with the others?" "What?" I groan when he speeds up. "The song. Dive in. With Carson," "He's stupid. That's not our song," it's too sad to be. "Passion fruit with Lucien?" "He assigned it," I laugh when slips his finger inside of me again and then adds another. "f**k," "Mmm," he pulls his fingers away. I look back at him and watch as he sucks his wet fingers clean. He pulls a condom out of his back pocket to show it to me. I wait for him to put it on. "I want a song," "Why?" I laugh. I gasp when he grips my hips roughly and pushes me against the shelf. His d**k goes between my legs teasingly. "It's fair," he growls. "I have to think about it," He covers my mouth when he pulls back and then slams into me from behind. My body tenses up at the sudden invasion. Ripples of pleasure flood my body along with the warmth of his crow and I shiver. I reach back to hold him against me for a moment. It's been a while since I've had alone time with Rodrigo. He's been really busy as of late. His dad's right hand is in town and he's been hogging all of him. I think it's why we are the way we are with one another. When we do see each other, it's just longing. The need to be in each other's arms. To tell each other everything we've missed. "I f*****g miss you, Bonita," he grunts as he pulls out to the tip and pushes back inside. "How is Alvaro?" I mumble into his hand. "Good," he groans. "He's leaving next week. I'll be gone for a couple of weeks," "What?" I push back against him making him growl. "Mi papa," he picks up the pace. "He needs me to deliver the weapons I got from ass hat," "Two weeks?" I complain. "Ro," "Yes, baby. Two weeks," he repeats. He pulls my arms back making me arch back when he f***s me into the shelf harder. "Shut Up My Mom's Calling," I try to stop myself from crying out and crying. Two weeks? Two f*****g weeks without him here making us all crazy with his cocky demeanor and subtle insults that go right over the other guys' heads. "Que?" he groans as he thrust faster into me. "That's your song," I free my left hand to catch myself on the shelf so my face doesn't hit the board in front of me. "Harder. Please, Ro. Mas durro," His hand wraps around my mouth as he pushes me forward again. His entire body is pressed against my backside. With his left hand, he pushes my leg up to get better access. His hips are thrusting into me harder. "I'm sorry, B.B. you know it's work, baby," he whispers in my ear without stopping. I don't say anything else we both finish. I stand still trying to catch my breath as cleans us both up with the stupid handkerchief he carries around with him. "I know," I finally say when he zips my costume up. We stay like this for a bit before he pulls away to turn me around so he can look at me. "I just found out earlier today. My mom invited you but I know you're busy with the founder's crap. I told her I'd ask anyway," "Yeah, and I don't have a passport," "Why not?" "Haven't needed one since I was like six," I shrug. "You can call and text me whenever you want. I will always answer. Only death will stop me from doing so," he pinches my chin. "Okay," I nod. He picks up my trench coat and we walk back to the party. "When are you leaving?" "In the morning," he answers. "Great," I say sarcastically. "I'll get you a drink," he says when we're close enough to the others. I don't respond. My displeasure doesn't go unnoticed by the other guys. They watch him as he walks towards the bar. "A zipper, huh?" Lucien says. Their attention instantly comes to me. "If any of you assholes break it, I'll f**k you up myself,"
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